Published: August 10, 2012 at 11:50am

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20 Comments Comment

  1. etil says:

    This guy is a nutcase.

  2. mattie says:

    Jien ma jien ha nghid xejn.

  3. Li Ding says:

    That this lame-brained dullard thinks so highly of himself more than confirms his immaturity; it certifies it.

  4. Another John says:

    What a load of bull.

    A ‘criminal lawyer’ hey… and he does not even get the sarcasm in it.

    And what’s more, ‘I have respect for the police….’. Yes, right, we all believe and admire this statement.

    Who do you take the people for? Utter delusional fools too?

  5. elephant says:

    Hu go fik, Carm. – that’s what it all boiled down to. I think the PM has beaten Job (of the bible) at his patient endurance.

  6. qahbu says:

    Please stop giving him the light of day – he is history as far as I, and many others, are concerned and he should be consigned to the scrapheap along with Jesmond and Jeffrey.

  7. Matt B says:

    I think Franco is experiencing a dearth of clientele at the moment, considering how often that blog of his is being updated.

    • La Redoute says:

      The courts are closed, so that’s gives him plenty of time to fool around.

      Parliament’s closed too, hence the need for his blog to promote his Haiku and three-and-a-half-hour speeches.

      • mattie says:

        Hasn’t he got his own legal office?

        Don’t lawyers have to catch up with clients, paperwork, and other pending office work they don’t manage to cope with during busier months?

      • etil says:

        Do you mean to say there are no hearings of court cases during the whole of the summer season ? Great

  8. Riff Raff says:

    Something’s been missing from the Maltese political scene since dear old Spiru Sant departed this planet. Cocky FD steps into the breach.

  9. mattie says:

    Ma kont ha nghid xejn izda ma flahtx. Jekk dan avukat ta’ vera, mhux suppost mifqugh bix-xoghol? Tant li qas ghandu cans jiekol ahseb u ara jibbloggja fuq is-sit tieghu?

  10. stiefnu says:

    Five mistakes in the first paragraph: not bad for a student who scored an A in his English A level.

  11. Albert Bonnici says:

    Franco, don’t you think you should find a dark corner, sit your backside down and simply shut up?

    We are fed up of you, have been, and will always be fed up of you. Do us a favour and simply vanish.

  12. kev says:

    Banalità li tassew tixraq lill-Kunsill Nazzjonali Malti – maghruf ahjar bhala l-Perliment Mghalti.

    U b’riflessjoni ta’ dan, il-Prim Sindku Gonzi missu jlahhqu Kap Kmandant tal-Forzi tal-Bunordni, Gageg, Imrar u Indhil Iehor – istituzzjoni gdida li tissorvelja dawk il-ministeri li Hu jidhirlu ghandhom jaqaw tahtom, fosthom tal-Gustizzja, Intern, Estern, Patern u Kwatern.

    B’hekk ikollu bhal Owpin Cekk u meta jidhirlu li, perkazu, fil-qasam tas-Sahha jew tal-Ekonomija hemm theddida ghas-sigurtà nazzjonali, jiehu over Hu u jserrhilna mohhna.

    Hekk kif nipprogressaw lejn rigress esponenzjali, zgur li genju banali trid biex fil-Provincja tirrennja l-paci.

  13. Alfred Bugeja says:

    What this idiot, with his tiny mind, fails to grasp is that when it comes to expenses – increase in wages, building a police academy – the buck stops with the Minister for finance and ultimately the PM himself.

    Any minister would want to improve the working conditions of those working in his departments. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a star student in Form IIC to come up with something at trivial.

    But anyway, why am I trying to reason out the arguments of a nut case?

  14. TCO 03 says:

    Qatt ma kelli fiducja fl-iskejjel Maltin. Iz-zejt tiela f’wicc l-ilma. Ghadda dan, jghaddi kulhadd.

  15. Ganni il-landier says:

    Iva dan ghadu ma xebax idahhaq bl-iskossi?

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