Asset kbir iehor tat-team maghqud

Published: December 16, 2012 at 10:43pm

Look, if you’re drinking anything, put it down before you click on this image and read it. Isn’t today the 16th? After a Cabbagefest weekend, we get this turnip, who can’t even get the date right.

Do these people know the meaning of private and personal? What are they trying to prove, and to whom are they trying to prove it (themselves?) when they blab like this on Facebook?

We really don’t need to know that Luciano Busuttil, future Labour kebnitt minster, met his wife at the airport cafe (wow, what a surprise) or that he tried to impress her by telling her he was is-sindku tal-Hamrun (double wow…), or that they conceived a child on 17 December (Luciano having sex – too, too much information).

X’banalita ta’ nies. Il-vera team maghqud, jahasra.


Maybe he just can’t believe that somebody actually married him. B’dan it-tip ta’ imbarrazz irid jahdem Joseph.

63 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I believe in transparency and open government and all, but really.

  2. Mark says:

    Can’t they get one decent candidate

  3. Lomax says:

    Sindku tal-Hamrun hej. Tahsbux Michael Bloomberg.

    Tal-biki. Veru tal-biki.

  4. anthony says:

    Il-baqra tinbiegh kollha.

  5. Miss O'Brien says:

    In the style of ‘lil dik’

  6. Mesmes says:

    “We had great fun that NIGHT” Geez, was that on the first day he saw her?

  7. TinaB says:

    What an idiot.

  8. bob says:

    He must have calculated that it’s a leap year

  9. vanni says:

    “they conceived a child on 17 December ”

    How can he figure that out? I mean they were a young couple, and the bed must (should?) have been creaking away on a permanent basis. Or not?

    And if Mr and Mrs Luciano were having infrequent sessions, could he not have got the dates mixed up? Or maybe he makes a nice red ring on the wall calender when he gets some?

  10. canon says:

    Luciano has really precise timing.

  11. U Le! says:

    I suggest that all voters should look carefully at the piece of paper in their hands on 9 March. It is NOT a piece of paper, it is your future. Hares lejh sew.

    Then write down the numbers according to what you would like to experience in the following five years. Hares lejh sew so that the day after you can look at yourself in the mirror without regrets.

  12. Bob says:

    So Franco plans to set up his own party. But then on TVHemm he said he will stand for election as an independent candidate.

  13. Bob says:

    Aw WIFE get your knickers off for the HAMRUN MAYOR! It’s 17th December AGAIN.

  14. Toyger says:

    I don’t know about his wife, but I’d die if my husband wrote something like that for all to see. Then again, she might like this sort of crass thing.

    [Daphne – Yes, she just might. Remember that these are people who hung out in an airport coffee-shop for FUN, as distinct from waiting for a flight.]

  15. H.P. Baxxter says:

    And the photo of Joseph Muscat above all the intimacy look makes him like a pervy voyeur.

  16. Think I’ll have another framboise, or two. So sweet. ‘Happy anniversarries wife’? Another Labour idiot goes viral, and brings even more ridicule to his useless party.

  17. Joseph Caruana says:

    Team Magħqud. Ovja, għax il- lejbursti jħobbuhom magħqudien, marelli:

  18. john says:


    Our hero of the ferocious speeches never quite got over his erectric experience atop an elephant’s back.

    An elephant rider being a mahout, he now fantasizes that he has joined a whole team of them.

    They are in full erectric mode.

    Hares lejja – TEAM MAHOUT – that’s what he keeps repeating.

  19. bystander says:

    He can expect the divorce 17/12/2013.

  20. Clifford says:

    But this is Glasnost in action. The way forward

  21. I. Micallef says:

    I should have listened to your advice, because I really dropped my tea.

  22. Procedures says:

    Kemm hu gidra, miskin. Kif qal Salvu il-Laburist, “Kieku l-injoranza noti, mohhu dan kien ikun jukebox.”

  23. James Bartolo says:

    Ara veru kabocca dan il-bniedem. Kif sar avukat?

  24. Teo says:

    So did he do it again with his wife last night?

  25. Andre Grech says:

    I see nothing wrong in this post. It’s quite sweet. And it’s also time to put politics aside now that Christmas is here.

  26. el bandido guapo says:

    Very sad when anyone gives great importance to, or is obsessed with, such mundane affairs as particular dates.

    FFS, we are to imagine that Luciano Busuttil gives his best amorous “performance” only on 17th December? Now how sad is that.

    [Daphne – You know the old joke: like Father Christmas, he comes once a year (and in December, too – what an amazing coincidence).]

  27. mandango70 says:

    Well if you don’t need to know how and where he met his wife, why the heck are you looking up the information?

    I don’t!

    [Daphne – I don’t either, my dear. People send it to me, and of course, I can’t possibly refuse yet more evidence that this man is a cabbage/turnip/kohlrabi. The fact that we don’t need or want to know is exactly the reason why he shouldn’t be doing it. Then, once he does it, we are in duty bound to point it out for public derision. This man is a POLITICIAN, for heaven’s sake.]

  28. aston says:

    Now that we all know he had sex on 17th December 2005, that fact has filled a huge gap in my life and I now feel complete.

  29. La Redoute says:

    And he calls her ‘wife’.


  30. Neil Dent says:

    I get what he’s saying by his plural ‘anniversaries’, but to address it to just ‘WIFE!’ is a bit off.

    My dear wife, darling wife, wonderful wife, precious wife….see, it’s easy Luciano.

  31. mattie says:

    Yep must be a date thing not a love thing.

  32. markilmaws says:

    I have just identified a new public holiday under the next Labour administration.

  33. Steve says:

    The immigration officer which yesterday admitted to forgery and was handed a susp jail term and interdicted ran for the MLP deputy leader race when Toni Abela was elected.

  34. A Montebello says:

    I’ve met this man on a number of occasions and he comes across as an idiot on introduction. Furthermore he’s not as friendly as he pretends to be on his Facebook page – but that could be because he was surrounded by people who could hold a conversation that wasn’t slanted against the Government.

  35. A Montebello says:

    don’t know where to post it… certainly not here cause it’s got nothing to do with this piece of corned beef….but here’s something for your Ghaks u Guh u Faqar U Misserja campaign from today’s The Times.

  36. Anna says:

    “We had great fun that night”

    Please do tell us more, Luciano, or are we supposed to use our imagination from then on?

  37. Phili B. says:

    I’m not sure what he was trying to relay. Was it that he didn’t mess up before the wedding night? If my calculations aren’t as erroneous as Anglu Farrugia’s, he didn’t actually conceive on the wedding night either. It took him almost a week.

  38. Rodienne says:

    Was the fact that Luciano Busuttil was a mayor (and of Hamrun, at that) meant to impress a woman on his first date (at the airport coffee shop)? That alone would have made me run a mile. Then again, it takes all sorts.

  39. Rodienne says:

    Luciano doesn’t know his biology. The “9 months” are calculated as starting from the first day of a woman’s last period.

    So Luciano had sex on New Year’s Eve too that year. I thought he might like the whole world to know.

  40. Joe says:

    17 is a very meaningful number in Luciano Busuttil’s life. In fact he and his party may need to wait until 2017 to govern.

  41. I.R.A.B. says:

    I just spent the morning at the new petting farm with my 2 year old, and as we were looking at the chickens a couple of men walked past us and I eavesdropped on a sentence of their conversation.

    It went like this: “Imnalla dak Simon ma tantx jaf jitkellem sewwa, ghax dak l-ghandna vera tuba. Imma tuba xi haga.”

    When your own supporters talk about you like that, you have to be a real kabocca.

    • Jozef says:

      How’s this then, bar tal-piazza,

      ‘Dawk kienu zwiemel, mela li hemm issa, laqx u karawett, mur gib Mintoff bihom sejrin hekk…’

  42. C.Portelli says:

    God, so stupid.

  43. ciccio says:

    Maybe we should declare 17 December as the only National Day of Malta. It seems to be quite an important day for the country.

  44. Pat Zahra says:

    The Xarabank episode tells me that they KNOW they are going to win the election and are already throwing their weight about.

    They simply don’t care what impression they create and have fallen back onto the sort of crass, bar room humour their supporters enjoy.

    Gonzi called it a panto and Busuttil called it gimmicks.

    It’s far, far more serious than that. It’s a sign of things to come.

    A Labour victory will unleash a storm of spiteful and vengeful violence the like of which we have not seen since 1972.

    Ghad nergghu naraw it-trakkijiet u nisimghu il-ktajjen u l-pajpijiet isabbtu.

  45. Marcus says:

    Stenna tlett xhur biex jaghmdu t-tifel biex forsi jikser xi rekord ta’ anniversarji.

  46. GiovDeMartino says:

    Ara biex se nghabbu.

    [Daphne – I think you mean ‘nitghabbu’. Nghabbu jigifieri bhalma ghamel Luciano Busuttil l-airport cafe ma’ Dorti.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Yes, that was mystifying. I thought he meant “Bi Frank Psaila rridu [nigbdu l-votanti]” but then again, trying to make sense out of a deranged man is like trying to make pocket squares out of custard.

  47. rup says:

    They had great fun that night. Golly. But is there any fun to be had at the airport? I must be missing something.

    Thank God for the PN government that built it, then.

  48. Ian says:

    Haha – “we met at the cafe and I was late” – that’s what she said.

  49. Ian BC says:

    TMI mate..

  50. Alf says:

    So, if my reasoning is correct, it took Gabriel three months or so to be baptised and Luciano did not tell us when his second kid was born.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I’m trying to deduce whether they first had sex on their first “real” date or whether they waited for a full twelve months after the wedding.

  51. JPS says:

    ‘…did not believe me when I told you I was Hamrun mayor”

    Wow, gosh, you’re a Hamrun mayor! AMAZING! Loser.

  52. Martin says:


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