Judge Pace

Published: December 13, 2012 at 4:48pm

The prime minister has issued a statement about Judge Pace, who is being prosecuted for taking bribes from drug dealers, this time to INCREASE the prison term of another drug dealer who is their competitor.

The opposition leader has just spoken about the matter too, saying that Judge Pace’s position is untenable “because he is being charged with a crime” (ah, so unlike Farrugia Sacco then – because, you know, judges don’t have to be above suspicion like Caesar’s wife; they need only be charged with crimes).

So – what’s the upshot of all this?

Are they going to give Judge Pace a couple of days in which to resign of his own volition? And if he does not, then what?

Parliament will not be properly dissolved until 7 January, but will they get back in and impeach him before then?

A week of big news, and all of it thoroughly depressing.

7 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    The only good news this week was that we have seen the back of Frankie Tabone.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Not all depressing, surely. See this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-20695129

    See, Four-Minute Global Economy Therapy is being read and adopted.

  3. xmun says:

    “This case, Dr Muscat said, angered him. It showed the urgent need for a review and reform of the judicial sector, including the way how members of the judiciary were nominated and operated.”


    He forgot to mention one small detail. Judge Pace was appointed in February 1998 by the last Labour government.

    [Daphne – That’s in the last sentence; he was asked about it.]

  4. anna caruana says:

    Was the honourable judge under investigation or were the police tipped off ?

    • Angus Black says:

      What’s the difference, Anna?

      See, if the police were tipped off, then with or without the ‘Whistle-blowers Act’, the system still worked.

  5. Gahan says:

    Why do you find this week a depressing week?

    Look at it this way, we’re catching the big fish and other big fish are getting rid of others.

    Minn ma’ saqajna dil-gimgha spiccaw sebgha, wiehed ‘mitluf’, tnejn maqtula, tlieta l-habs fuq korruzzjoni ta’ mhallef u wiehed il-habs fuq korruzzjoni ta’/ma kummissarju.

    Prosit lil-pulizija talli qed taghmel xogholha tajjeb.

  6. victor camilleri says:

    [Daphne – Victor, my email address is [email protected]]

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