Well, Labour, you can’t call the PN a divided party any longer because the bastards have gone

Published: December 10, 2012 at 8:50pm

No more Franco.

No more Jeffrey.

No more Jesmond.

The Cirku tal-Hazen, the Evil Click, are now just a dentist, a crap lawyer and a ‘freelance architect’.

And the Nationalist Party is free of them for good, as are the rest of us. Though Labour will never be free of Jeffrey, of course, because he comes as a package with Labour activist Mrs Pullicino Orlando II. Well, good luck with that, Labour.




21 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    Lawrence Gonzi: “Franco Debono huwa irrilevanti.”

    Epic. He deserves my vote just for that one statement.

  2. tbg says:

    Dr.Gonzi just made a brilliant comment after being asked about Franco Debono; Franco Debono huwa irrelevanti.

  3. maryanne says:

    Sack them from the PN, preferably tonight.

  4. carmel says:

    Dear Daphne, I told you, the writing was on the wall, the end of GonziPN.

    • ciccio says:

      On the contrary, it’s the end of Jaffrey, Jasmint and Franco.

      Will they give them any more airtime on Super One now?

    • Bubu says:

      Actually I think this is just the beginning. Things are looking up for the first time in months.

      Wilie E. Coyote has launched himself off the cliff taking his two bosom buddies with him and the PN are geared up for the election with a solid set of financials and a new deputy.

      I hadn’t expected this but I’m getting nothing but positive vibes from nationalists.

  5. Rally says:

    Rally – Wednesday 12th December 2012
    Dar Centrali 6.30 pm

  6. mandango70 says:

    What does it make of Gonzi to have had the bartards around him for so long? And worse still, of having appeased them with institutional appointments?

    I shudder at the thought of sleeping with bastards, yet Gonzi was quite ok with it.

    [Daphne – Oh, I hadn’t known you were gay. If you’re not, why is sleeping with bastards even a factor?]

    • Angus Black says:

      Well, mandango70, Sant lived with another ‘bastard’ pulling his strings until the same bastard did a Franco Debono on him.

      The difference of course is that Sant only managed 22 months while Gonzi, not with one, but three ‘bastards’ survived one whole mandate.

      That’s 5 full years.

      What does that say about Sant – and Gonzi? Who has the steadier pair of hands? Must Labour always remain second best (or is that second hand)?

      If I were you, I would think first before I let my fingers roam aimlessly on my keyboard.

  7. Vanni says:

    My only hope is that Jeffrey’s personal belongings at MCST will be packed in a box, (not forgetting any cake crumbs). and delivered to his house.

    Same goes for any personal effects at the office that Franco has hardly ever visited.

    Furtherrmore, they should not be allowed entry.

  8. C says:

    Ejja ninkoragixxu lin-Nazzjonalisti kollha biex jibbojkottjaw lil Franco Debono u ma juzawx is-servizzi legali tieghu. Hawn hafna avukati serji aqwa minnu u kwalifikati aktar minnu li kapaci jdahhluh u johorguh fil-but. Uzaw lilhom.

    Franco attakka l-but tal-poplu u ma qaghadx iqis il-konsegwenzi fuq il-pensjonanti u l-batuti.

    Mela ejjew naghmlu l-istess lilu halli lil dan it-traditur tal-poplu nkomplu nirrenduh bicca avukat irrilevanti aktar milli hu.

    • WhoamI? says:

      Tkunx primittiv u lejburist. gej bil-boycott. Franco Debono huwa irrilevanti.

    • Vanni says:

      Ma naqbilx li ghandek tibojkotja xi hadd fuq il-fehmiet (hziena kemm huma hziena) tieghu.

      Xorta wahda jien konvint li wara is-show tal-lum, ftit nies ha jutilizaw is-servizzi legali tieghu. Min kif tkellem fil-parlament, personalment fakkarni f’wiehed min wara l-muntanji, bniedem li l-Inglizi jsejhulu a rough diamond, pero minflok diamond fil kas tal-high achiever taghna, aktar bicca shale.

      Koherenza fl-argumenti (u dan kien preparat) ma weriex, imma beda jaqbez min punt ghal-iehor. Avukat ta stoffa jpoggi l-kliem f’mod u manjiera. Isma lil Mario Demarco, jew li Simon, jew lil Mifsud Bonnici u isma li Franco. Min jimpresjonak?

      • RJC says:

        Bojkott ma naqbilx. Imma minn naha l-ohra, nahsiba darbtejn qabel ma nqabbad lil xi hadd bhalu jirraprezentani.

        Dahaq b’eluf li tawh il-vot, jista’ facilment jidhaq bijja.

        La hemm fejn wiehed jaghzel, aghzel bil-ghaqal.

    • Angus Black says:

      Le, kieku jien nilhaq salibi w nqabbad lill min rrid jien (s’intendi mhux Franco), imma ma nhalli l-hadd jiddettali lill min inqabbad.

      Ma naqghux fil-bassezzi tal-Lejber. Boycott ma jkollu ebda effett fuq Franco ghax dak il-‘business’ li ma jidholx ma jitkejjilx.

      Il-bicca hi li Franco huwa irrelevanti mhux biss ghan-Nazzjonalisti imma ghal-Lejburisti wkoll ghax ftit jafdawh ghax bhal ma ghamel lill-PN jista jaghmel lill PL.
      Kif jghid il-Malti “hanzir taqtaghlu dembu, hanzir jibqa”.

  9. xmun says:

    You can include Musumeci with that list. HE can enjoy his seat in the studios of Super One

  10. Taks Fors says:

    Now it’s time to play. The waiting time for Labour’s electoral manifesto will end on Jan 7.

    Don’t expect it any earlier. Then the real battle starts.

    Each time Franko tas-Serduk is on Super 1 will be another confirmation that Labour cant even trust its own and needs the stupidities (to put it mildly) of Franko tal-Form 2 to prop their cause.

    Look at how they reacted to a Dissett invitation.

    How much they would have loved to send Franko il-Bikkej rather then anyone from their ‘modern and progressive’ team.

    Ghal mistoqsija dwar il-vot ta’ llejla jekk issa hux se ‘jistrieh’, Lawrence Gonzi (li kien ghoddu nesa’ x’kienet it-tieni parti tal-mistoqsija irrisponda ‘Nistrieh? X’nistrieh, Issa jibda x-xoghol li jwassalna ghal rebha f’din l-elezzjoni li jmiss’

    L-ahhar kelma fil-Parlament minn Lawrence Gonzi kienet ‘Determinazzjoni’. Il-bniedem ghandu go fih energija impressjonanti u bil-kuragg li ghandu jkaxkar mieghu lil kull min hu madwaru b’hegga u determinazzjoni tremenda.

  11. Anthony says:

    The evil clique is still there and you know it or maybe you are part of it daphne?

    [Daphne – So pathetic. And then they wonder why it is that in every ruddy survey on voting intentions, there is a direct link between tertiary education and support for the PN, and another direct link between leaving school at 12 and voting Labour.]

  12. PG says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish – that says it all.

  13. Karl says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish

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