Labour’s deputy leader colludes with a Labour police officer not to proceed against one of his people

Published: February 12, 2013 at 4:03pm

Here’s the voice recording of Labour’s deputy leader, Toni Abela, explaining that he want down to the police station, found a Labour policeman and told him not to proceed against a certain individual.

“Mort l-ghassa, sibt pulizija Laburist u ghidtlu biex ma jkomplix bil-kaz.”

The excuse given for asking Anglu Farrugia to resign was that he had said something untoward about a magistrate. But it was just an excuse. The real reason was that Joseph Muscat wanted to get him out of the way because 1. he was an embarrassment, and 2. so that he could pull in Louis Grech to impress the Sliema chatterers.

So now what is Muscat going to do about Toni Abela? Here he is, taped while explaining specifically how he abusively exerted influence on a ‘pulizija Laburist’ to pervert the course of justice.

Muscat has a serious dilemma here. He can’t not demand his deputy leader’s resignation, but if he does, he loses the support of Malta Today, Toni Abela being that newspaper’s lawyer, a personal friend of Saviour Balzan, and the link between Malta Today and the Malta Labour Party.

Now read this statement which Nationalist MP David Agius released today:

It-Tlieta’, 12 ta’ Frar, 2013

Stqarrija ta’ David Agius

Nirreferi ghal dak li gie rappurat fil-mezzi tax-xandir li Richard Vella xehed fil-Qorti b’rabta ma’ glieda f’kazin tal-Malta Labour Party.

Minn xhieda fil-Qorti rrizulta li jezisti recording ta’ Dr Toni Abela, li fih Toni Abela jghid li kien mar l-gassa, sab pulizija
Laburist u talbu biex ma jmexxix bil-kaz. Fl-istess xhieda gie rappurtat ukoll li d-Deputat Nazzjonalista David Agius kien fost numru ta’ persuni li jafu bil-kontenut tar-recording.

Dwar li ntqal fil-Qorti, nikkonferma li fil-15 ta’ Ottubru 2010 jiena sirt naf bil-kontenut tar-recording li saret referenza ghalih fil-Qorti. Wara li jiena identifikajt lil Toni Abela bhala l-persuna li kienet qed titkellem, fl-20 ta’ Ottubru 2010 mort ghand il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija biex ninfurmah b’dak kollu li kont smajt u tlabtu biex jinvestiga linformazzjoni li kienet waslet ghandi. Dwar dan jien ghamilt statement lill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija.

22 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    So now we should expect the following sequence of events:

    1. MaltaToday should dismiss Dr. Toni Abela from being its lawyer.

    2. JosephMuscatDotCom should dismiss Dr. Toni Abela from being his deputy leader.

    3. JosephMuscatDotCom appoints another Doktor as Deputy Leader – someone on The Times suggested Dr. Robert Abela.

    4. MaltaToday appoints the new deputy leader as its lawyer.

    This way, the more things change…

  2. ciccio says:

    “I did nothing wrong,” Dr Abela said.

    This is actually the biggest problem of Toni Abela. He cannot even see what is wrong.

    This has been the week of the two Tonis. Iffa daqfekk.

    • Gahan says:

      FAA think of Gozo of a place where time should stand still.

      If I were a Gozitan I would want the same choice of shops which people living in Malta have. It is another incentive for foreigners to settle on the island.

      Gozitans will have more jobs and people would still go to their grocers in the villages.

  3. zunzana says:

    If Joseph asked Anglu Farrugia to resign from deputy leader for having passed disparaging remarks about a judge (sic) , he should now go one step further and ask Toni Abela to resign from the Labour party for having interfered in the course of justice.

  4. edgar says:

    His excuse is that this tape was edited. He can repeat that till the cows come home but this evidence is enough to alarm people with a bit of sense that this shocking news is a small taste of things to come when they are in power

  5. makjavel says:

    Joseph tilef il qalziet issa. Toni Abela hu ta l-istess keffa ta’ dawk li jaharqu il kazini u jirraportaw lill min iddefenda ruhu.

    Il-Kamra tal-Avukati imissa tkeccieh – dak li ghamel hu ksur sfaccjat tal-gurament tieghu ta’ avukat.

    Mhux ahjar min dawk il gudikanti li thamgu ghal flus.

  6. La Redoute says:

    Toni Abela’s already been disowned by Malta Taghna Lkoll/ Laburista/take your pick.

    For a party so enamoured of colourful backdrops and podiums emblazoned with catch slogans, it is signficicant indeed that the party’s deputy leader addressed the press in a bare room. Even Toni’s pissoir was stripped of its logo.

    Abela may as well have spoken out of an empty freezer. I suspect that is where he’s due next. It’s too late for the Falklands.

  7. Catsrbest says:

    Mela anke l-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija ghandu jirrizenja jekk ma hax il-passi mehtiega.

    • maryanne says:

      We need to have a new course at university. A diploma in Interpretation of What Labour Says.

      It seems we are always taking their words out of context. They are always right no matter how many recorded tapes we hear.

  8. village says:

    Joseph did not shoot down Anglu earlier during this legislature because this would have weakened the oppostion in parliament and threatened to disrupt his colusion with Franco and Jeffrey to weaken Government operations.

  9. stephen says:

    Mur gibu ministru.

  10. bystander says:

    I’m surprised they don’t end up, quite sincerely, suing themselves.

  11. TROY says:

    Mela seta sab pulizija Nazzjonalist,ghax hekk jew hekk,issa Malta taghna lkoll.

    Dawn dejjem korrotti kienu.

    Ahseb u ara jekk ikollhom il-poter, kemm hnizrijiet se jaghmlu.

    Toni wink, wink, Abela does it again.

  12. C Falzon says:

    “Muscat has a serious dilemma here. He can’t not demand his deputy leader’s resignation, but if he does, he loses the support of Malta Today”

    I think he’s got that sorted out already. I heard somewhere (maybe here) that the GWU is in the process of buying Malta Today. I’m sure MT won’t have much difficulty finding a lawyer under its new owners.

  13. Election Mode says:

    Just as Anglu Farrugia is soon to be whisked off by the PL to The Falklands, as far away as possible, in order to shut him up, Toni Abela opens another can of worms for Joseph.

  14. M.U.S.E.U.M. says:

    Lil Muscat qed nistħajlu ‘l-Papa Benedettu meta kellu b’għafsa kbira ta’ qalb u dieqa jnezza ħafna qassisin pedofili mis-sacerdozju.

    Fuq il-Fosos il-Qdusija Tiegħu kien qalilna li l-baħrin tal-gifen ta’ San Pawl li inkalja hawn Malta rmew saħansitra l-qamħ (l-iktar ħaga meħtiega) biex iħaffu ix-xini u b’hekk salvaw mil-għarqa.

    Kienet iebsa d-decizjoni li ħa l-Papa imma kellha ssir għax b’hekk bena rispett kbir lejh u lejn il-knisja.
    Muscat għandu jagħmel l-istess b’Toni Abela jekk irid min jieħdu bis-serjeta (Fearless leader).Dr.Abela fixkel il-process legali, meta influwenza pulizija biex ma jipprocedix. Dr Muscat jeħtieg jarmi l-qamħ.

    San(Dun) Gorg Preca kien jgħid: “Waqt is-siegħa tal-prova kollox!”

    Muscat m’għandux zmien x’jaħli qabel jinkalja u jsalva.

    Il-Paci maghkom +.

  15. Riya says:

    Qed niehduha bi kbira ghax mar jindahal Toni Abela?

    Sejjer ma jindahalx!

    Mhux ghalhekk biss tajjeb biex jindahal ghax qatt ma’ sewa ghal xejn.

    Kien fil-Labour u tkecca.

    Mar jindahal ma’ tal-Alternattiva u rega telaq.

    Mar jindahal fil-kunsil lokali tal-Hamrun bhala kandidat indipendenti (ghax meta keccewh ma kienx Laburist) u ma kkontestax aktar.

    Rega’ mar jindahal fil-partit tal-Labour imma qatt ma ndahhal biex johrog ghal-elezzjoni. Min jaf ghal xiex?

    Issa imbilli jkeccih Joseph Muscat ma’ jkun gara xejn ghax imdorri jitkecca! Imur isib x’imkien iehor fejn jindahal.

    Toni Abela u anke Anglu Farrugia taraghom dehlin u mexjin fil-kuriduri tal-Qorti qisu kollox f’ idehom ghax qedin fil-partit tal-Labour.

    Ara Anglu issa dahal f’qoxortu u m’ghadux jimxi gewwa l- Qorti qisu qed imexxi kollox hu u jara lil kullhadd dubien ghax issa qisu najxu u kwazi anqas jiflah jitkellem.

    Lil Toni Abela niftakru fil-corner meetings tan-Nazzjonalisti fiz-zmien meta kien ghadu qieghed jistudja ghal Avukat u kien imur icapcap lill Guido DeMarco. Min jaf ghalfejn dak iz-zmien kien jagixxi hekk?

    Tiftaka Toni fi pjazza San Pawl gewwa l-Hamrun il-Hadd filghodu kemm kont iccapcaplu lil Guido Demarco waqt li kien ikun qed jindirizza il-meetings tan-Nazzjonalisti?

  16. pocoyo says:

    No Labour logos or Malta Taghna Lkoll for Toni Abela’s press conference today. Just Kurt Farrugia fooling around.

  17. ken il malti says:

    This guy is a bigger liability to the PL than Anglu Farrugia ever was.

  18. maryanne says:

    …”ghax jien kont naf diga li se nsib dar-rapport fil-gazzetti.”

    This is why Toni Abela wanted to halt proceedings and not as they are saying now, because it was a civil and not a criminal issue.

    And why do they think that we are not Maltese and know all the innuendos of the language? When we say.. u ghalfejn tahseb li mort l-ghassa insib pulizija Laburista… it doesn’t mean that he went there without knowing which policeman was on duty. He went specifically to find a policeman Laburist.

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