Straight in line from Dom Mintoff, conveniently leaving out KMB and the man who made him, Alfred Sant

Published: February 2, 2013 at 10:46am

My God, you really do have to have a screw loose to switch from the Nationalist Party to Mintoff’s self-proclaimed political heir (see video below).

Now I know why so many people left school with one O-level or none at all.

In fact, I’ve noticed that many of the people who are showing off about switching are the very same who were famous for their stupidity and inanity at school and afterwards. They left formal education at 15, their conversation is still the same, and they haven’t developed mentally or intellectually since then.

Following Labour now is like getting the latest handbag or pair of trousers, and they haven’t even noticed Labour is no longer even fashionable with the people who count, though they were for a brief moment back then until they began their campaign and flunked it.

True, all votes are equal and every vote counts, but it’s only when you get the people you really want behind you that you’ve made it solidly. The leaders, in other words, and not the followers. The clever people, and not the headless chickens. The sober ones, and not those who are still getting blasted at 50 and partying through the week to escape the demons that eat up their soul.

As for the surgeons and anaesthetists who lined Labour’s igloo last night to pay tribute to Muscat and Labour, it’s a case of ‘forgive them, for they know not what they do’.

They are Labour from birth and upbringing, and if they claim to be Labour through conviction, then there are lots of serious questions to be answered about that.

Anaesthetist Joe Zarb Adami, as a medical student in the 1970s, was banging on trucks with drydocks workers and supporting Mintoff’s catastrophic hospital lock-out of Maltese doctors, which led to so much misery, botched births and at least one child who I know of who ended up in a permanent coma after a ‘home’ operation went wrong.

That is the point at which he should have seen sense. But the opposite appears to have happened and it just reinforced his Mintoffianism.

You’d think that by now these people would have been able to work it out for themselves, but the drip-drip-drip of brainwashing in childhood really is a terrible thing and can undo even intelligence.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Maria says:

    ALLA MAGHNA! Il-kbir KMB! Is the guy serious?

  2. Ex-PN says:


    quote from your own article:

    “Now I know why so many people left school with one O-level or none at all.”

    yeah…. and please do tell us how many degrees and masters you have!!! (sure you may have a couple of o’levels and a’levels but you still want that degree… don’t you?!)


    [Daphne – No.]

  3. Curious says:

    Joe Zarb Adami (better known at Mater Dei Hospital as iz-Zuz) said yesterday in Joseph’s igloo that the hospital management has to create the right atmosphere so that employees can feel comfortable working and be more productive.

    What a jerk. Saqsu lil min jahdem mieghu x’ atmosfera he creates meta jkollu xi wahda minn tieghu u jinfaqa jghajjat u jidghi ma kulhadd.

    U dan il-bniedem se jmexxi l-isptar f’ hames gimghat.

  4. Horazju says:

    Smajt sewwa jiena? Kien hemm xi hadd ghajjat bi kliem hazin ?

  5. Jozef says:

    I call it the saturation point. Malta cannot remain held up by those who cannot subscribe to the real world. Too much at stake.

    Labour tries to justify itself by relegating policy to a number of individual wishlists.

    Where individual interest groups get something. That’s usually their interest alone.

    When Musumeci explained Labour’s reform, he unwittingly outlined why people like him stand to gather. No way will he form part of a reform which puts his role to rigorous use.

    I look at the PN’s proposals regarding the property market and the exact opposite is underlined:

    Stimulating demand instead of inflating supply coaxed by the ‘developers’.
    Preempting the bubble and avoiding risk to the value of property at the same time. .

    Owen Bonnici gave the game away yesterday, his words were clearly on behalf of the building lobby. The disadvantages he mentioned were those of the speculators. How dare owners get to hire property, maybe even put what buyers are looking for on the market?

    What happens to the lobby’s unwanted stock?

    Even Astrid seems confused, chum enough to let it pass and ignore the PN’s proposals which dovetail with her supposed mission.

    Who said that’s hers anyway?

    The same can be said for education, energy, health, you name it, the style in policy is in total contrast. It is the difference.

  6. Clifford Galea says:

    Kif jinsewhom dawn l-affarijiet in-nies? “Ahna kollha tal-Labour,” qal. U issa qed jghid “Malta taghna lkoll.”

    Kemm il-ostja hu buffu.

  7. bookworm says:

    ‘Li kieku ma kienx hemm partit partikolari ma kienx jidhol l-Universita’…..’. Ma nahsibx li dak il-partit huwa ‘intkom’ Joseph, taf sew min insista biex kulhadd jista’ jmur l-Universita’, inkluz cwiec kbar.

  8. MaNistaxNemmenDakLiNisma says:

    There is really no one better he could mention in the Labour Party?

  9. Rumplestiltskin says:

    I could not finish watching the video. The first few frames almost made me physically sick with the frightening memories it brought up.

    God forbid if we go back to the days of the scary individuals in whose footsteps he is proud to follow. The leopard has not changed its spots.

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