Malta’s Laburisti have taken Malta’s prime minister’s lead and are flooding EU Commissioner Malmstrom’s FB page with ignorant insults and even obscenities

Published: August 6, 2013 at 9:44pm

Malta’s prime minister had better do the decent thing and advise his supporters to cease plastering Cecilia Malmstrom’s Facebook page with vulgarity, obscenity, insult and ignorance.

They are really bad for the reputation of us all.

These people have clearly taken their lead from their great leader, who made the headlines some weeks ago with his ‘why don’t you take them to Sweden’ insult to the Swedish Commissioner. He later told us that Mrs Malmstrom, who speaks far better English than he does and is better educated too, does not understand his ‘British humour’.

His supporters don’t understand it either. Instead they understood the truth: that Muscat was trying his hand at the Mintoffian insult, and they picked it up and ran with it.

There are reams of their insults and idiocies on Commissioner Malmstrom’s page which I shall be transcribing and uploading here for those who don’t have access to Facebook. If you track back to their own FB pages, you’ll see from their choice of friends, their Likes and their photographs that they’re all Labour supporters.

Meanwhile, here is a tiny sample. Imagine saying ‘fox l liba’ & c & c in the name of your country to an EU Commissioner on a page that is open to the world, presumably on the understanding that she’s a ‘foreigner’ and so won’t understand it.

The picture these hundreds of savages paint of Malta is absolutely hideous.

Here are some pictures of the ‘fox l liba’ man, Anton Rea Cutajar. He thinks Joseph Muscat is the SALVATUR TA’ MALTA and that Mintoff was the greatest man who ever lived (“kif tista ma tkunx Mintoffjan?”). Oh, and his father was one of Mintoff’s thugs.

I find it fascinating that somebody who looks 100% African should object to people on the basis that they look different. Does he honestly think that he’s going to be mistaken for the Hitlerian ideal while on his travels?

Anton Rea Cutajar 1

Anton Rea Cutajar 2

Anton Rea Cutajar 3

Anton Rea Cutajar 4

Anton Rea Cutajar 5

Anton Rea Cutajar 6

Cecilia Malstrom under siege


74 Comments Comment

  1. A Montebello says:

    How sad I am for my country. How sad I am that we are so uneducated that we can’t express ourselves with dignity and integrity.

  2. king rat says:

    I would definitely not want to be on a sinking ship with any of these people – just think about rats climbing over rats.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Little Joey has lost total control, and after only six months. Just wonderful.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Oh no, Joey has not lost control. What is happening is exactly what he wants to happen because while the headless chickens squawk and screech at the EU Commissioner, they won’t notice, or even care, about the abuses and corruption going on right under our noses.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        OK, Antoine. He’s unleashed a subliminal hatred to the unknown that has been dormant for twenty five years.

        Nothing to do with the EU. Adversity to change, any change, is what drives and terrifies these people.

        ‘Il Baby Duce’ is capitalizing on this fear.

        However, as the economy plummets, unemployment soars, and inflation runs rampant, we will see where the hatred is focused.

      • Jozef says:

        Spot on Harry, Labour will insure against failure to generate growth. Mintoff did and lasted, Sant didn’t.

        I see an inverse proportionality between their electoral campaign and a feel good factor. If only they could set up trade barriers, get rid of the net and control their smudged copy of a real economy.

        Ironic how this government, largest ever majority in parliament seems unable to convince anyone.

  4. Josette says:

    OMG. What are these idiots trying to do?

    I’m just hoping that the Commissioner does not ask the Commission’s translation services for a translation of the random Maltese phrases on her Facebook page.

    She’ll discover that the “knights of Malta” (as one idiot says we are) are not that chivalrous.

    The lunatics have escaped the asylum and there is no way to put them back in there.

    • Liberal says:

      I’m hoping the opposite – that the Commissioner does ask for a translation of the random Maltese phrases. Maybe then the Commission would put pressure on our prime minister to keep in check the Neo-Nazis who voted him to power.

      That would be interesting.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:


      What the Commissioner would soon learn is that the “knights of Malta” were not Maltese at all.

  5. fm says:

    uff jaqq what a bunch of ugly photos and what a breakdown

  6. CIS says:

    What a disgrace. How can the other Maltese disassociate themselves from this trash? Why don’t they let their dear Joseph handle it? Shame..

  7. Edgar says:

    Are you sure that he is not Gadaffi’s son?

    • anton says:

      meta trid sur edgar ejja iltaqa siegha mieghi u tkun taf xpersuna bqalb tajba ghandi jien, saqsi lil father martin tad dar tal providenza ghalija kemm intijom frott milli naqta mil gheliqi tieghi habib, da kull ma kien hemm argument jien hu persuna taljana u flebda moghod jien ma it ninsulta lil kummisarju

    • Calculator says:

      The resemblance is truly uncanny.

  8. Alexander Ball says:

    If I was in charge of rounding them up, he’d be one of the first on the boat.

    I’d avoid a suntan if I were you, chief. Just to be safe.

  9. Gahan says:

    I think Cecilia Malstrom started to hit back at MALTA because of Joseph’s “Why don’t you take them to Sweden” comment.

    Joseph surely did not build a good relationship with the Swedish commissioner.

    We’re in for a hard time.

  10. Joseph Caruana says:

    The great leader should order one of these (A Geno 2.0 Kit) for himself. Maybe our great Joseph is more African than European. Who the hack knows? In the process of doing so he should get his lot tested, including his (old?) bestie Norman Lowell.

    Geno 2.0 – Genographic Project Participation and DNA Ancestry Kit –

  11. lo squalo says:

    issa iz-zejjed kollu zejjed!

  12. helen says:

    Is it possible to change my nationality? Kill me now, otherwise.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      We could all mail our passports to the PM. It wouldn’t change anything but it would make the headlines.

  13. dutchie says:

    The explanation tomorrow:

    “No, it surely must be PN supporters organising this to make this administration look bad! They hacked my FB page too!!!!…”

    How awful. Make Malta proud, Joseph Tubby Muscat.

    • dutchie says:

      oh yeah… and to Anton Rea “scarface” Cutajar, get your order straight in gangland:

      First you get de money,
      then you get de power,
      then you get de wimmin.

      You said you a gangsta But you neva pop nuttin
      You said you a wanksta And you need to stop frontin’
      You go to the dealership But you neva cop nuttin’
      You been hustlin a long tyme And you ain’t got nuttin


  14. Fran says:

    What a shameful lot. I’m ashamed to belong to the same country as these lowbrow, low life people. As you very well said, Daphne, the prime minister is leading them by example.

  15. Corvo Attano says:

    What an international embarrassment.

  16. L.Gatt says:

    Why does Mälström keep a pic of herself with Manwel Mallia on her facebook page?

  17. P Shaw says:

    In the second and fifth pictures he looks very similar to the son of Ghaddafi

  18. Felix says:

    Qatt ma kont nobsor li nistghu naqghu ghar-ridikolu daqshekk!

    Maybe we should message Cecilia Malmstrom now to show her that those vulgar people do not represent Malta at all?

    [Daphne – They do in fact represent Malta, Felix. That’s why Labour won the election with a landslide and has always had roughly half the population vote for it.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Felix there’s no “Maybe we should message Malmstorm”. Of course we should and some of us have done so already.

      So, if you feel you need to try and show an entire continent that not all Maltese are the hillbillies of Europe, just go ahead and post your message.

  19. Gahan says:


    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
    Follow · July 4

    The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) was honoured by a visit by H.E. George Abela this morning. This is President Abela’s second visit to the Council and we presented him with our roadmap for the future of the R and I sector in the coming years.

    How come he feels honoured,wasn’t it JPO as a PN MP who objected for George Abela as Malta’s President?

    How is it that he went to the (moonless) August Moon Ball?

    Where’s the consistency he boasts about?

  20. C. Mallia says:

    Prior to the 09/03 election, the PM had “warned” that thugs and empty talkers who wielded their Labour Party affiliation as a weapon would be “disowned” by the party.

    Now, this sheer ignorance is EXACTLY what he was talking about!

    Muscat’s ‘carpe diem’?

    I’m flattered.

  21. CGrech says:

    Dak x’jippretendi bil-qmis miftuha sa isfel? Jaqaw jahseb li hu xi superstar?

    Fuq nota ohra: Ommi ma, x’misthija ta’ kummenti. Kummenti bhal dawn juru lil poplu bhal wiehed injorant. Dawn l-ahhar 4 xhur vera bdejt nisthi nghid li jien Maltija.

    • anton says:

      mela ghax iggilidt ma taljan amiltu ageb ara intom kolla taqlawli hekk qisu ma gara xejn

      • Josette says:

        Jekk int l-istess Anton li mill-Facebook page tiegħek tidher mingħalik li inti xi ħaġa, mela:

        1. tgħallem esprimi ruħek b’mod li n-nies normali jifhmuk – anzi, aħjar le, għax twaqqana aktar taċ-ċajt;

        2. mill-mod kif tesprimi ruħek inti a. functionally illiterate – u jiddispjaċini għalik għax ma sibtx min jgħallmek – u b. injorant seba’ pesti;

        3. ir-razziżmu tiegħek huwa espressjoni oħra tal-injoranza tiegħek;

        4. jimporta tieqaf twaqqa’ lill-poplu Malti għan-n***? Jien ġeneralment kburija li jien Maltija imma b’dir-rata se nibda nistħi ngħid li jien għax ma rridx niġi ġġudikata bħalek.

      • anton says:

        listess jien u int josette jien tant jien kapaci li sa kumpaniji go china ghandi

  22. Michael says:

    Truly shocking too see. They even commented pointless obscenities on posts whose subject was irrelevant to the immigrant situation.

    Unbelievable that certain people 4 months ago wouldn’t have even thought of doing such horrendous actions.

    Once again, admitting that you are Maltese has no longer become a privilege.

  23. ashamed says:

    Could he be an African mercenary who fought for Gaddafi?

  24. Relief says:

    Nghag ta’ Bendu. X’injoranza. Ma, x’biza ta’ nies.

  25. P Shaw says:

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona should join the fray of insults soon, given that he has the same mindset and the same level of rationality as Franco Debono.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Kenneth Zammit Tabona has the hots for Rea Cutajar and the like. Why else would he join the Moviment with such unbridled enthusiasm? He’s even turned into a little redneck right-winger, for god’s sake. What a ridiculous, pampered, infantile buffoon.

  26. oxo says:

    Very embarrasing comments. I think a few people in Malta think of themselves as really cowboys, the untouchables.

    They are making themselves nothing but great fools and hope Ms Malmstrom does not think all Maltese are like those people who are leaving comments on fb thinking they are supreme.

    Once again, they illustrate their ignorance and exhibit their level of education and social tolerance.

    The PL leader won the election on various slogans including “Tista tahdem maghna anke jekk ma taqbilx maghna”.

    I urge our country’s leaders to control these imbeciles and end this nonsense where they are rediculing our country with such vulgar comments.

  27. Sv says:


  28. anthony says:

    That guy had better keep out of the sun.

    With that complexion and those looks he will be in Addis Abeba or Khartoum before he even knows it.

    As for Malmstrom, with her stunning CV and her reputation as a polyglot, I doubt whether she will be very much impressed by the foxes and libas.

    As for Malta’s reputation, that, very sadly, is a totally different matter altogether.

    What took years to build is being dismantled in weeks.

    After all that is what the Maltese voted for in March, a bidu gdid and a direzzjoni gdida.

    That is exactly what they got.

  29. Antoine Vella says:

    Does Malta have an Opposition? Commissioner Malmstrom must be asking herself this.

    • C Agius says:

      The opposition stood squarely behind the government this time. Baffling to say the least, seeing what a hoo-ha they made a couple of weeks ago on a very similar issue.

      Both parties should take responsibility for this racist backlash. But no, instead they pat themselves on their back for their “diplomatic” efforts.

  30. Antoine Vella says:

    I have just left this comment on Commisioner Malmstrom’s page and I urge everyone who has a Facebook account to do the same.

    “As a Maltese I am ashamed of the vicious, vulgar and abusive comments that some Maltese racists have posted on this page and elsewhere.

    I will only say this: THEY ARE NOT SPEAKING IN MY NAME.”

  31. Dez says:

    I hope the EU Commissioner has enough evidence to promote Malta as the most civilized country in Europe.

  32. Mike says:

    I’ve just had a look at Cecilia Malmstrom’s page. I honestly feel physically sick.

  33. Timothy says:

    Dear Jesus, keep me from finding out that I share some DNA with these people, amen.

  34. Makjavel says:

    If the guy lands in Libya he will be arrested for being Gaddafi’s offspring.

    • anton says:

      u ghalfejn jarrestawni jekk ninzel l libja mela qatt xi darba gejt nisirqek jeww jien iggilidt ma xi hadd da kull ma kien kellna argument jien u persuna taljana qisa waqat d dinja, issa kun sincier meta tkun qieghed tiggiled ma xi hadd qatt ma att xi daghwa int habib jew habiba tieghi?

    • Herman says:

      My thoughts exactly!

  35. Natalie says:

    Mega cringe! How embarrassing and shameful for all Maltese people.

    I happen to agree with Joseph Muscat’s stance in this issue. The rescued persons did not require any immediate medical care (except for one with a broken toe – a minor ailment, requires little treatment), and they were never in Malta’s territory.

    Libya was the closest port. Otherwise we could start receiving people rescued off the Pacific.

    Help them, make sure they’re safe, but there have to be some rules.

  36. WhoamI? says:

    X’imbarazz ta’ nies. Il-marmalja tal-pajjiz.

  37. MojoMalti says:

    If they bothered to watch the interview in that article they would have heard her say that today just 6 member states take in almost all the immigrants and that they are working on a plan to harmonise the rules across the EU so that all countries will be able to take in immigrants. Maybe they are just empty words, but maybe she will be taking some immigrants to Sweden after all.

  38. Toyger says:

    Oh dear God, I just went in to have a look. Commissioner Malmstrom must be baffled and speechless with all the insults she’s receiving.

    And anyone trying to apologise to her for these insults, including me, is being subjected to a barrage of insults as well.

    I am truly ashamed to be Maltese right now. And I think this feeling will keep on haunting me, us, for years to come.

    What a disgrace. And yet Joseph Muscat remains silent. Why doesn’t he disassociate himself from these people? I bet if anyone were to ask him what his opinion is on this, his response would be “u iva, jinkuwa naqra hux”.

    PN, wake up! I hope you condemn these type of comments. They’re putting our country in disrepute and shame.

  39. mickey mouse says:

    There are no words to describe this shameful moment for the ones who disassociate themselves from all this.

    I feel desperate as I cannot pack up and leave. Please God help us, don’t let our country be destroyed by this bunch of idiots.

  40. Pied Piper says:

    Temperature rising, but still I froze reading those comments.

    If I have to argue I would use diplomatic language not insults. This simply shows how low Maltese mentality can be and I disassociate myself from this kind of approach.

  41. Peter Pan says:

    Looks more Arabic than any Libyan man. How did he make his money? Illegal immigration?

  42. anton says:

    Kolla ghadnkhom zball ghax jien flebda mument ma kont qieghed najt ghal kummisarju jienn niggeled ma persuna taljana kont

    • Erasmus says:


      Ċertu lingwaġġ u ċerti insulti (bil-familja!) iwaqqgħu lilek għaċ-ċajt, mhux lil min tgħidhom.

  43. Martin Schranz says:

    @Anton: sorry ma’ fhimniekx, kollox sew mela

  44. H. Prynne says:

    Our country and our country’s reputation has gone to the dogs in matter of months under the Labour administration.

    I don’t blame the Labour supporters because they are what they are and would have voted Labour come hell or high water.

    I blame the people who didn’t know how good they had it, wanted change for change’s sake, or voted Labour out of spite or some petty malice. I really hope they realise what a big, BIG mistake they’ve made, especially some of my friends who went on Facebook to justify to the world why they were going to abstain or vote Labour because of “the P.N’s arrogance bla bla bla”.

    These people have no right to complain about the state of things or those to come (no doubt things are going to get much worse by the time we get rid of these baboons), but place their palms on chests and proclaim “mea culpa “.

    I am truly ashamed of being Maltese at the moment.

  45. Natalie Mallett says:

    Kemm kellu ragun Dr. Gonzi fil-mass meetings jghidilna li taht il-labour nisthu li ahna Maltin u taht gvern Nazzjonalista dejjem konna kburin li ahna Maltin.

    Xi hmieg u njuranza ta nies kif qed iwaqqghulna wiccna l-art.

    Simon Busuttil ghamel xi statement jew ghadu qed jahsibha?

    Ahna ma narawx tv ghax iddecidejna nnehhuh mid-dar u l-unici ahbarijiet li naraw huma dawk li jidhru fil-blog tieghek Daphne. Kif spiccajna f’inqas minn sitt xhur.

  46. Liberal says:

    I have just sent Ms Malmstrom this email:

    Dear Ms Malmström,

    I would like to personally apologise for the appalling behaviour of a few Maltese idiots who posted insults on your personal Facebook page. Please understand that the fact that you seem to have enraged the Maltese Neo-Nazis must mean that you are doing something right.

    Keep up the good work, and once again, I apologise on behalf of all the decent and civilised people of Malta.

  47. Pinu Primus says:

    Dan zball kbir iehor ta’ Muscat li se jwassal lill-pajjiz f’aktar antagonizmu mal-kumplament ta’ l-Ewropa.

    Issa li qieghed Kastilja (kif dejjem xtaq), Muscat missu jiehu r-responsabbilita’ li dahal ghaliha, la zzattat biex jilhaq prim ministru.

    La mhux kapaci ghat-tmexxija tal-pajjiz, kif qed juri li mhux kapaci (allura jidhol il-proverbju Malti li l-ewwel darba li libes il-qalziet, kakka fih), allura jaghmel bhal Fredu Sant, isib xi skuza u jerga jsejjah elezzjoni kemm jista jkun malajr.

  48. Xejn sew says:

    Fancy that, a dead ringer for one of the Ghaddafi sons (compare the 5th picture above to this berating Commissioner Malmstrom and telling her ‘foxx l liba familha tieghek’.

  49. Robert pace bonello says:

    The PM should send Mr Cutajar to negotiate with the EU. He must not forget his weapon. It’s very impressive.

  50. Peter says:

    I can assure all people in this blog that the people who are against letting more refugees in Malta are not just MLP supporters.
    And i would like to give a tip to Mr Simon Busuttil that whatever Joseph Muscat is doing, he is doing it for a better good of our country.
    Any common sense person would understand this FACT. And also i would like to point out that Joseph Muscat is doing exactly what he promised in the Pre election meetings….. and this is one of the issues that made MLP win these elections. Really guys……. Who are you trying to convince about human rights!! You speak about human rights??? Travel to their country and you will get your human rights…. Get out of your suits and villas.. AND GET REAL!

  51. xmun says:

    Jeffrey has applauded Joseph Muscat for the stand taken. He did not mention the fact that whilst the ship was on its way to Sicily, another boatload was on its way to Malta.

    Perhaps the deal between Italy and Malta was simply a face saving deal – Italy takes the ship, Malta takes the next dinghy. nothing to brag about

  52. jessica says:

    im not ashamed for standing up for my own country. if we let more immigrants enter into our island eventually we are the ones who are going to be kicked out and go as they came. im so ashamed of those who are not proud to be maltese. the truth is they dont deserve to be called that way. to fight for your own country is nothing to be ashamed of. we had more than enough through out the years and we are still having. we already have enough financial problems so how is it possible that a small island which is beyond over populated helps half of africa. we will just end up as lampedusa? it used to be a nice island for tourists. we should never stop fighting for what our fathers worked for. and stop acting like angels and be ashamed. anton rea cutajar wasnt offending cecilia but he was actually fighting with an italian. it wasnt a right thing to do but that doesnt mean u have to discriminate the person and call him the son of gaddafi . remember that counting others sins wont make u saints all of you. thats discrimination and u just did the same mistake as he did so dont point fingers . be ashamed of urselves instead

  53. Markus Marks says:

    Jien rea habieb tijjaj u nista nasigurakhom li ghalkemm ma naqblux fil politica veru bniedem b qalb tajjba u ihobb jejn lil nies b disabilta etc.

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