And inevitably, just look at what the Danish PM has opened herself up to with that stupid selfie: it’s open season on Mrs Kinnock

Published: December 12, 2013 at 9:49am

Kinnock Thorning

I’ve got to say I love her reply when heckled at a public meeting about her clothes: “We can’t all look like shit.” Not appropriate for a PM, certainly, but right up my street. The thing is, ostentation, standing out and showing off run completely contrary to Danish culture, and women just do not wear flamboyant clothes there. Danish design is very particular.

But I also love the Danish newspaper headline when the PM was photographed boarding a plane to go to war-torn Libya (Denmark was one of the allies in the raids on Libya) wearing a camouflage jacket, stilettos and a big red handbag: HELLE TAKES HER BAG TO WAR.

The British media have a particular interest in Helle Thorning-Schmidt. She’s Mrs Stephen Kinnock, daughter-in-law to the former British Labour leader, Neil Kinnock.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Flyovers all over the place, 89,000 square meters, two factories relocated, 80 million euros and not a single plan.

    Not to mention Addolorata cemetery walled up against exit ramps, they’re saying flyovers from Santa Lucia to Aldo Moro.

    Where’s Astrid?

  2. La Redoute says:

    Helle Thorning-Schmitt had been feted as an example of contemporary womanhood – a professional with a career path and identity of her own who has successfully balanced family and professional life, running her home and Denmark while her husband commutes to his job in Switzerland.

    Now she’s shown herself to be just another floozy.

    • M. Cassar says:

      Poor Danes, we do not need to imagine what they must be feeling right now, we know.

    • Last Post says:

      During the 2011 Danish election Ms Thorning-Schmitt might have projected herself as the ‘Oh!-so-modern-liberal-and-progressive’ choice.

      On the other hand, the Maltese 2013 election ‘majt-ez-well’ have been modeled on the Danish Thorning-Schmitt marketing campaign.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s an “attakk faħxi” on the Danish PM by the British press.

    Using the PL’s usual reasoning, all Danes should put on their horned helmets and board their longships to invade Britain and avenge the slight to their “Leader”.

  4. DimitriFromParis says:

    How is he in every other photo taken at the memorial service? Did he switch places?

  5. PR says:

    The Danish equivalent of the PN and their blogger who they never name must be influencing the international media to undermine their Prime Minister. As Owen Bonnici would say it was “orkestrat”.

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