Rosianne ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ Cutajar admits that the Maltarightnow/Il-Mument story about her is true
December 1, 2013 at 8:34pm
She really has no understanding of the scale of her disgusting behaviour if she thinks that the results of the Junior Eurovision are more important to sensible people with their priorities in order – and especially, more important to a newspaper owned by a political party.
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And a big dix points to Ethelbert Schembri for his mature comment. ‘Whatever you did, Rosianne, well done!!’
I despair.
Ever heard the expression ‘Gahan Malti’? Funnily enough people seem to appreciate her more for her looks than her work.
And what a bunch of sexist comments too. Her mother must be so proud of her, “ghax it- tifla hej anka fuq fejsbuk ifahruwieli daqs kemm hi grazjuza u helwa”. Get a life.
What’s more appalling than a politician abusing his/her power is a politician with a brass neck such as hers who fails to see the error of his/her ways.
A dangerous bunch indeed to be ruling the country.
Li jiskantani f’din l-istorja hu kif din ghanda n-numru tal-Kummissarju fuq il-mobile taghha, u kif il-bravu kummissarju minflok ma fehma li hi obbligatata zzomm il-queue wasal biex minn fuq il-mobile taghha jordna lill pulizija ihallija tghaddi. Paprata ohra!
That word comes to mind again.
Il-vapur t’Ghawdex taghna Lkoll.
How can the Commissioner be credible now if he claims that he never allowed himself to be subjected to political interference?
U imbagħad jiġu jitkażaw b’ħaddieħor bl-arroganza.
Ħadd ma kien qed jistenna affarijiet kbar mingħand tal-Lejber imma din li m’għandhomx żejt f’wiċċhom … kollha kemm huma.
Imma tibżax, iktar ma jiffangaw u jitqażżu iktar ikollhom (skużi) x’jirremettu fuq il-poplu, inklużi dawk li vvutawlhom. X’imkien, xi darba jew oħra, irid jixpakka kollox.
Freaking out waiting to board the ferry?
Hey just pick up that phone and call the Police Commissioner HOTline. A police escort will make haste to clear all bureaucracy that’s in your way.
The Police Commissioner is ready to serve.
Similar behaviour is unbecoming from both, considering their vested capacities. The police is there to maintain public order and not to positively discriminate.
Hanging around in queues leads me to deep dark murky psychological black holes. Can I have the Gozo channel phone service which I can call should there be a queue when I visit relatives up north? And if they do not help me should I call the depot?
You should try Dalli’s shrink. He’ll make you up a nice certificate.
You’re the Mayor of Qormi, you dimwit, not Michael Bloomberg.
I wonder how all those congratulating Nuxellina under her Facebook post for being such an arrogant git would have reacted if they were in the Gozo ferry queue and a Nationalist politician did the same thing.
Mur ara l-headlines u kummentarji dwar arroganza. Imma ghax Nuxellina tal-Lejber kollox OK u prosit anzi.
And this is in the very first nine months in power. I don’t want to imagine how it’ll be in a few years’ time.
And they had the gall to call Austin Gatt ‘arrogant.’ He would never have done anything like that.
One of Nuxellina’s FB friends commented: “kompli sejra hekk” – was she referring to calling the police chief or to her original solution to queuing?
Why is this story somehow reminding me of that infamous phone call made by that woman called Ruby Rubacuori of Bunga Bunga fame to Berlusconi?
A taxi driver told me this story as he was taking me home and subsequently having to reverse up a one-way street (he had right of way) to get out of the way of a police van which could not be bothered to take the correct route.
Is this what Malta has come too?
Puffed up little people prancing around at a charity run wearing their designer gear or ferry queue jumping with the blessing of Dial-a-Commissioner.