UPDATED/ YES, IT’S INSPECTOR GABRIEL MICALLEF/I hope it’s Inspector Gabriel Micallef, because he needs to be investigated up to the eyeballs

Inspector Gabriel Micallef with his sister Dolcieann Farrugia/Micallef who is in a relationship with Manuel Mallia’s driver
UPDATED: It was confirmed this morning that the inspector who is out on police bail for tampering with evidence at the scene of the crime is indeed Inspector Gabriel Micallef. I put up the post below last night.
Times of Malta has reported that a police inspector “who is close to” Paul Sheenan was interrogated heavily and is now under police bail because he is suspected of having removed the wasted cartridges from the scene of the shooting and also demanded a video recording of the incident from two women who made it.
They picked him and another man from a line-up.
I can only imagine that the inspector in question is Gabriel Micallef, head of the Drug Squad, whose sister is in a relationship with Sheehan and who was there in the tunnel that night, alongside Sheehan, when not on duty. The only possible alternative I can think of is Inspector Frans Micallef, known as Id-Devil, who is his father.
If it really is Gabriel Micallef, then the police should finally wake up and investigate their Drug Squad chief, because the things I’m discovering about him are really not pretty – some sequestered cocaine, for instance, finding its way to Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse. And his wife has filed police reports (oh irony) against him for his behaviour following their estrangement – he left her recently for a fellow member of the Drug Squad, a woman police constable.
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What better office to trade from than GM 14?
Getting there, now how did that cocaine leave the law courts?
Imagine they actually carried out a stock-take wherever all this is held.
So the Head of the Malta Police Drug Squad, while off-duty, is suspected of removing crucial evidence at the scene of a crime where his sister’s boyfriend, who happens to be the official gun-toting driver of no less than the Minister of Interior, who in turn was/(is?) a “top criminal lawyer” who defended some of the island’s most notorious drug barons… and we carry on as if nothing happened?
[Daphne – Well, as I remarked here a few days ago, anybody who is capable of deleting or removing evidence is capable of planting it, and when you’re talking ‘head of the Drug Squad’ that’s a very serious matter indeed. This is no ordinary policeman, no ordinary police inspector.]
So are those two women being given 24/7 protection, to protect them from the Police? Is this what it has come down to?
What a ruddy mess.
Malta Today says “MaltaToday understands that Inspector Gabriel Micallef, whose sister is the partner of police constable Paul Sheehan, is out on forced leave pending an investigation into the shooting incident of 19 November.”
Good job for him that drugs are being decriminalised. Forsi zewg grammi biss ha jsibulu.
They are framing up an innocent police sergeant according to 9am 101 news.
Arraignment this morning. The frame has now been officialised
Chinese justice anyone?
[Daphne – Oh I wouldn’t rush to say he’s innocent and would hold on the sympathy for now. That’s the same police station that tried to frame me on ‘hit and run’ charges which were thrown out of court around 18 months ago. They were so obviously lying and trying to get at me because of their political views (they even liaised with L-Orizzont on the story) that there were smirks of disbelief all round when they testified under oath.]
One would think that Smith’s positive breathalyzer result does not hurt Sheehan’s case so why would the police sergeant remove those details from the computer?
Was the sergeant working for someone else or where other details removed but this was the detail which was the least inconvenient to mention?
Something is not making sense.
[Daphne – A deal may have been struck with Smith.]
The two shots from Sheehan’s pistol on the night of November 19th struck Smith’s car.
Is Smith afraid that the next shots can strike him?
Striking a deal is less dangerous than being struck by bullets, now, isn’t it!
‘…Dwar dan ix-xenarju kollu ‘In-Nazzjon’ hu nfurmat li hemm ‘ġlieda’ taħraq bejn l-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali fis-sens li parti minnhom trid li dan jitressaq il-Qorti akkużat li fixkel l-investigazzjonijiet tal-Pulizija minħabba li bagħbas ix-xena tar-reat, filwaqt li parti oħra qed tipprova tiskansa milli dan l-Ispettur jitressaq il-Qorti…..’
And more
‘…Sitwazzjoni oħra li qed tkompli tiżviluppa minn mument għall-ieħor hi dik b’rabta mas-Supretendent Alexandra Mamo, li dakinhar tal-isparatura waslet fil-post tal-isparatura. Nifhmu li hemm min għandu interess li jitfa’ fuqha t-tort ta’ diversi nuqqasijiet li seħħew dakinhar, fosthom ukoll tal-famuż fatt li l-karozza Vauxhall spiċċat mgħobbija fuq il-lowloader ftit tal-ħin wara li kien seħħ il-każ.
Hemm min qiegħed jipprova jitfa’ dan in-nuqqas serju fuq din is-Supretendent li fil-verità meta marret fil-post tal-isparatura sabet li l-karozza diġà kienet tgħabbiet fuq il-lowloader u dan kien ifisser li kienet intmesset ix-xena tar-reat….’
Explains why she can be seen in the middle of a heated argument in NET footage.
Zammit says he ordered the low loader to pick the cars and Mamo to seal the scene, in which sequence?
Shouldn’t Dolcianne Micallef be investigated too if sequestered cocaine found its way into Ta’ Guzeppi farmhouse which she lives in with Paul Sheehan?
Dolcianne – another of those ‘where DO they get them from’ names.
I wonder if she’s related to Baxxter’s Ritienne?.
Still the Muscateers are arraigning the small fish. The big fish are still circling the tank looking for more smaller fish to sacrifice at the altar of the Liar God.
Many thanks for the knowledge update. Good to know.
I would not be surprised if in the next corruption index Malta takes a nosedive.
Inspector Gabriel Micallef is wearing a Rolex too.
Which policeman doesn’t have one?
Blokka silg
The lousy tax-people there are in Malta are partially to blame. In the last decades, there has been a growing trend where people officially earning a bit more than the minimum wage possess expensive cars, luxurious homes. And nothing happens!