Il-vera ghamel gid, Mintoff, istja – araw ftit, aaaaaa Mintoffjani

Published: August 28, 2012 at 12:26am

My apologies to my regular readers, but at the moment my website is infested with Laburisti of a certain type, who can’t really figure out what I’m saying, so I thought I’d try using their language to draw them in further.

But I can’t be fagged to explain to them what this graph, showing the growth in Malta’s GDP, actually means, and they’ll probably tell me that:

1. the World Bank is a pufta and FUCK OFF WORLD BANK YOU PEDOFILE;

2. din xi gidba min tijak def;

3. they’ve set up a Facebook group calling for the World Bank to face criminal action.

But let’s try, shall we?

aaaaaa qatta mintufjani mnejkin!!!!! tafu xi tfiser dik il linja??????!!!!!! tfiser li zop fox ommkom mintof amel gid ghal malta. aaaaaa qatta stupidi u injoranti li ma tifmu xejn – araw flima sena tibda tila l linja u b kem telet u araw kif kinet il linja taht is salvatur ta oxx il liba ghajnkom li bih fotejtu pajjis grazzi ghal injuranza spejtata u grazzi al fatt li andkom vot bhal vot ta dawk li andom mohh

333 Comments Comment

  1. Rigor Mortis says:

    Tahseb verament li dawn il-grottli mgherrijja bhal missierhom u cwiec ferhana fehmu xi haga?
    Kemm int ottimista, Madame.

    • Rp says:

      Mgherri ghax kemm ghandek. Int nahseb fhimt Hafna imma ,ghandikun trid tidier ukoll?

    • Agius says:

      Jien blog ta’ gurnalista dhalt jew xi kummiedja?! ..rridu ndahhku hi?!! :)

    • Andrew says:

      Mgherri missierek ja injorant!

    • kev says:

      Ghax inti tifhem kif jinhadem il-GDP, hux tassew, Rigor Mortis?

      Id-dejn u l-infieq tghidx kemm itellghuh ‘il fuq il-GDP, waqt li l-buqxiex jigu inflated aktar u aktar biex il-graph tidher ferm isbah. Izda fl-ahhar il-piz tad-djun u l-inflassjoni ma jahfirha lil hadd.

      Money no problem? Well, it’s payback time.

      Ahleb, Guz! Is-serfi raw graph u serrhu rashom.

      • Jozef says:

        Mhux ahjar tghidilna kemm tiddobba flus Sharon mill-EU?

      • kev says:

        If only I could find a graph showing the debt-to-GDP ratio over the same period. But something like that would have to be compiled using raw data. The time will come.

      • La Redoute says:

        “The time will come”

        Why does that sound so ominous even though it emanates from a boring Brussels suburb?

      • qwert says:

        Hekk sew int ivutajt al europa u sharon tamel il liri bahnan

      • Ian says:

        I think we can all agree that it’s better to have a rich people and a government in debt, than a government in surplus whilst the people live in third-world conditions. And our debt-to-gdp ratio is around 70%, not too bad following the worst crisis since The Great Depression.

        Yes, the debt-to-gdp ratio increased under PN, but we still got into the EU and Eurozone, and The People have never been better off.

    • simon says:


  2. anna caruana says:

    Prosit kemm taf bil malti

    [Daphne – I keep telling your lot that I am 100% bilingual and speak both English and Maltese as a mother tongue, but you refuse to believe me on the grounds that a tal-pepe accent is not Maltese. Which is, I suppose, like saying that the queen doesn’t speak proper English because her accent is all wrong.]

    • Iz-Zanzi says:

      The Tal-Pepe accent is a regional Maltese accent, somewhat sounding closely to a southern suburban UK to which I find it resembles. However it’s an imported accent- probably learn’t from British officers wives at the time, hence the sub-sounding colonial way it’s spoken.

      [Daphne – Did British officers’ wives speak Maltese (I don’t mean the Maltese ones, of course)? And why wives in particular and not the officers themselves? I don’t follow your argument. ]

    • Min Weber says:

      I was always of the opinion that Tal-Pepe’ is a Maltese accent. It is another Maltese dialect, actually. The seventh one.

      Arcane interpretations are welcome…

      • R. Azzopardi says:

        Which are the other six? I’m not trying to be sarcastic or anything of the sort. It’s just that I am very interested in the Maltese language and would like to know if dialects are documented in some way or another.

    • Linda Kveen says:

      Actually, Daphne I think this proves that you are trilingual: English, Maltese and Mintoffjin.

  3. ciccio says:


    Ghallinqas Mintoff issa miet.

    Kieku ghadu haj u ra din ic-cart, kien icempel lil John Attard Montalto u jghidlu biex isejjah lis-shareholders tal-World Bank f’Kastilja. Meta jaslu, jghannaq u jbus lil JAM, u mbaghad jibda jghajjat u jzeggek kemm jiflah mas-shareholder, u jghidilhom li kien sejjer ibul.

    Meta jigi lura, igib mieghu it-termos tat-te, u waqt li jimla it-tazza tieghu biss, jghidilhom li kien jigi jitnejjek mil-kostituzzjoni, u mbaghad jibda jheddhom li jekk ma jcedulux is-shares tal-World Bank minnufih, ifallilhom il-bank u jitfaghhom il-habs.

    U li dik ic-cart, li qisha turi z*bb imq*jjem wara l-1987, jistghu idahhluha f’s*rmhom ghax qisha bicca karta tal-incova.

    • ciccio says:

      Daphne, are you sure no one from the “a liba fox kemm andek brigade” offended me here or were the comments too obscene to be published?

    • rebie says:

      ibqa cert li mintoff ma kien jamel xejn min dan ax mux ser jaqa an nies fil baxx bhalek meskom tisthu tejdu kontrih meta 3 kwarti tad drittijiet li andkom u is servizzi socjali kolla li tgawdu ma gabom hadd hlif mintoff

      lil Daphne nejdila din ic chart ma nafx hix gidba jew le ima jek hi verita xorta nejdlek ara il kaxxa ta Malta kif halija mintoff u ara kif ini isa ! Mintoff halija mimlija u isa taht gonzi mux tali zvojtat tali gejna bil minus u iridu natu il flus !

      • golina says:

        ija mela, mintoff halla kaxxa ta malta mimlija u issa mhix allura qabel kin awn l gid u issa le. mela issa missier jaqbad l paga tieghu u ma johrogx flus bix jitma lil uliedu jew itihom li ghandom bzonn. jimlih kont fil bank dak. imma ma nahsibx li hawn missirijiet li jaghmlu hekk. mintoff ek ghamel, wara l 1987 gvern nazzjonalista pprefera li l gid iqassmu milli jzommu ghalih! gawdu hemm ax l gid li hawn lil gvernijiet nazzjonalisti nafuh!!

      • Alex Ellul says:

        This is not true and there are a lot who have this wrong impression in this country. Besides the huge debt to develop the Malta freeport – which was probably one of Mintoff’s best investment, a lot of government entities had huge debts, telemalta lost nearly Lm1.5 M, Enemalta had higher debts and dockyards were a huge drag on government finances. Airmalta was the only profitable company owned by the government at that time, besides the banks. Mintoff debt to gdp ratio was close to 40% at the end of his legislature. There’s actually a thesis at university which did research government spending and highlights all these facts. Will find the source and post later.

      • ciccio says:

        Jiena s-servizzi socjali nhallas ghalihom biex igawdihom min hu socjalist bhalek, mela ngawdihom jien.

  4. Peter Mallia says:

    You cracked me up, Daphne. Can I give it a go too? I guess it’s fun. Here I go:

    foxx aqqalla min takom vot ja qabda bdabad

    I loved it!

    • Anonymous says:

      What a sad comment. And look by whom this country is being run, by a bunch of people who love insulting people who have a different political idealogy as them/ You sound as bad as the person writing this vulgar article. So sad

      • La Redoute says:

        What is the Labour Party’s ideology, exactly? This is a genuine question.

        Please don’t tell me it’s socialism. Genuine socialists don’t behave the way Mintoff did or the way Muscat does. Let’s draw a veil over the rest of the current Mintoffjani gearing up for another turn at the wheel.

      • Murdock2 says:

        Hadt ghalik Anonymous? Mhux hekk jixraq lil min m’ghandhux brakes f’ilsienhu u jaqbad u jghajjar bl-addocc lil min ma jaqbilx maghkom? Hekk irid il-lejber imexxi l-pajjiz? fuq il-passi tal-mishut mintoff? Triduna tajjeb.

      • Mister says:


      • Agius says:

        Well said Anonymous!! ..qas ghandi ghalfejn nidhol hawn nara l-Maltin kemm huma baxxi! ..u dan kollu wara li miet bniedem li ghamel tant gid – hdura pura.

      • La Redoute says:

        Mintoff ghamel TANT gid. Saqsi l-vittmi tal-Fusellu.

      • micallef says:

        Agius, allura xil-ostja tibqa taghmel tidhol tara l-blog ?

      • Unknown says:

        yes i totally agree with you Anon.

    • Mary says:

      Learn to wirte in maltese before you start swearing in maltese!!

    • Clifford says:

      Idghi forsi tikbirlek rasek! Imma mohhok xorta zghir jibqa’.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Er, what makes you think anyone beyond a small minority can read a graph in this country?

    • Peter Mallia says:

      I can actually think of some mintoffjani going right now, “rajt, guzi. ejja ara, kylona, il-line beda tiela’ ‘l fuq bejn l-85 u l-87. kieku haqq oxx kemm andom hallew lil karmenu hemm ostja kien johrog barra mill-kampjuter il-line.”

    • Min Weber says:

      Are you a man or a woman, H.P.? Are you straight?

      And most importantly, are you single and of marriageable age?

      Do H.P. stand for Hot Person? Hot Pursuit? Hot Pants?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        H.P. stands for Hans Peter. I am straight as a ramrod.

      • Ajma again says:

        Lol Hans Peter… And you’re straight ?

        [Daphne – Aaaaaaaaaa kretin: ]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Kemm hawn nies bla kultura.

      • Ajma again says:

        Thanks Daph for the tip… It’s like you choosing Lady Gaga as a nick… Wouldn’t suit you now.. Would it ;)

        [Daphne – I use my own name, tosser. Hadn’t you noticed? Or do you think this is an alias for Alexander Lucie-Smith?]

      • Min Weber says:

        Ok HP. Forget it.

        Had it been Henriette Pauline, or Hetty Paddy, or Hilda Priscilla, it would have been fine.

        But Handsome Penis is not up my street.

        Sorry, laddie.

        You may still write a piece in The Times about our virtual whatever it has been so far.

      • Jon Marsh says:

        No offence, but don’t put Scooter and culture in the same sentence. He produced some proper chav “choons”, as they call them.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Scooter are more cultured than some of our “intellectuals”, and they stick to what they know best AND can laugh at themselves, something totally alien to our Maltese zatat culture.

        In any case, the pseudonym was an accident. But I can’t change it now. It’ll confuse everyone.

      • Ian says:

        Oh my god yes! Scooter! Haha I can’t believe it never clicked!

    • Alex says:

      Therein lies the problem. I think a minimum level of IQ, say, 100, should be a prerequisite to the right to vote.

      I am not advocating anything drastic, 50% or so of the population would still be entitled to a vote. The remaining lot can pass the time remIniscing about the ‘Golden Years’ when voting was a right for all and sundry.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hope a camel shits on you, you discriminate asshole. May I remind you that it is that 50 %, and much more, that will kick you Fascists out of power next March, paving way for Joseph to repair a country so utterly destroyed witth 5 BILLION EUR worth of DEBT, all brought about by 11000EUR golden plates, private jets, throwing pussy fits for not getting a 700,000EUR office in Republic Str., not to mention the continuous supply of food for Pullicino.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        What about personal debt? That’s even worse. That’s the real danger. But whose fault is it?

      • Anonymous says:

        The people have debt because of the over-inflated prices of everything from petrol to milk, and the exaggerated taxes and billd imposed by the GonziPN clan.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Idiot. Get out of my class.

      • Anonymous says:

        What class? The one full of stuck-up snobs and ignorant fascists? Gladly, I was never in it! And since you seem German, please get your Nazi ass out of this country, and I bid you my warmest “HEI HITLER”

      • La Redoute says:

        Funny how it only takes one poke with a stick for the nut in Mintoffjan chains to begin frothing at the mouth.

        There’s the shame, anonymous. Your door’s been thrown wide open but you’re still cowering in your cage.

      • Alex says:

        Anonymous, why are you presuming that an IQ test would obliterate the Labour vote? I was not implying that. I was merely noting that a basic understanding of the issues of the day should be a ascertained before the right to vote is granted.

        Sounds pretty logical to me. With the airheads out of the way, politicians would have no option other than to up their own game. They would have to present the electorate with tangible programmes as it would be hard for them to get away with wish-lists, abstract road-maps etc. All the population would benefit as a result.

        You could have made your point without roping the poor camel in. So insecure…….

      • Unknown says:

        wouldn’t the iq test rid us of most politicians? labour and nationalists alike?

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Ajma Baxxter you cracked me up, what a good start to a day:)

  6. Neville Grech says:

    In order to understand GDP growth during the different phases, the graph showed needs to be seen using a logarithmic scale rather than a linear scale as you’ve posted.

    On the other hand it makes more sense to see the graph of the GDP growth rather than nominal GDP:

    One can see that GDP growth has been the greatest between 1972 and 1981 and 1987-2000.

    • Anonymous says:

      In your face, deff

      • Maltija says:

        Great words Mr Anonymous. Well Done Neville Grech. No one can nag political history. I’m still young but i have a brain to compare and contrust facts! Silence makes perfect and im not going to mention anything else . . .

        [Daphne – Contrast, not contrust: all this confusion with the spelling of vowel sounds comes from your pronunciation problems. Pointless having a brain if you don’t put it to work. Silence makes perfect?]

    • Ajma again says:

      Ar’ Issa x’qalulha. There goes your dream to pursue economy Daph….welly sowwy lol

      [Daphne – My dear, solve this little conundrum, if you will. If you have a pound in your pocket and you earn another pound, your income has increased by 100%. If you have a hundred pounds and you earn another fifty, your income has increased by only 50%, not 100%. But which is the greater increase in real terms, and in which case are you better off and more successful? You people wear me out.]

      • Ajma again says:

        …finally the brain cells… I see movement…..venom retracting….ooops false alarm…here it comes again :)

      • Julian says:

        Not really. If you can double a pound, then you should also be able to double a hundred pounds. If you manage to earn only an extra fifty, then you’ve underperformed.

        [Daphne – Wrong again. It’s a hell of a lot easier to double a pound. Think of it in real terms, not theory. The fundamental problem with theoretical models is that they start from the position ‘all things being equal’. It’s the reason why Alfred Sant was such a frigging flop. Also you’re are confusing earned and unearned income. True, if you’re in the super big league and have billions with which to play, as an individual or company, it’s easier to double and triple it. But GDP is the result of hundreds of thousands of individuals and companies, beavering away in their own little box.]

        Besides, your argument assumes that a hundred pounds today will buy you the same amount of stuff they used to buy you yesterday. You know, inflation and all that.

        [Daphne – In fact, Julian, a hundred pounds (fill in relevant lira/euro currency here) will buy you a hell of a lot more in Malta today than it did in the 1980s. This is not just because more efficient production has sent the price of goods crashing through the floor (clothes and electrical goods, most conspicuously) but also because we no longer have to built for built-in corruption and customs tax and levies that reached 75% on something as simple as a lipstick or a jumper or a washing-machine. My first automatic washing-machine+tumbler drier cost Lm450 in 1985: that was three months’ average salary, or the equivalent of Lm1,500 today. A colour TV cost a similar amount. A jumper from Benetton cost a third of a month’s salary.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        May I butt in with a factoid which will hopefully illustrate matters?

        Which is the country in Europe with the highest GDP growth?

        Strong industrial Germany? Efficient welfare state Sweden? Oil-rich Norway?

        None of these. It’s MOLDOVA. Moldova, officially the poorest country in Europe.

        THIS is my economics class, and if you want to wallow in your ignorance, you may call it Nazi and snob and go back to Xarabank or Xalamita or xalawhatever it is these days.

      • Julian says:

        Okay, I think I get your point; that it should be easier for an underdeveloped economy to grow by, say, 10% than it would be for a fully developed one to achieve a marginal (e.g. 1%) growth.

        Remains to be seen though whether Malta qualifies as a fully developed country and how much of our economic growth is due to investment and production rather than deficit spending and consumer borrowing/spending.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I see we’re getting somewhere. Good.

        My own view is that Malta is still nowhere near the Northern European economic model. The dividing line is roughly along the France/Holland, Italy/Austria border. The old Hapsburg Empire minus Spain, more or less.

        You said it yourself. Much of our growth is fuelled by domestic consumption, deficit spending and government spending. I’m afraid we’ll miss many of the Europe 2020 targets. But you could see for yourself what the Maltese are like during this week’s outpouring of rank stupidity. How can you build a modern economy when all you have is leeches?

      • La Redoute says:

        Qualify that, Baxxter. “…when you’re saddled with leeches”

        I presume you’re not a leech, so that makes at least one of us.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I have a very clean record when it comes to leeching.

        – I have never used the public health service, or free government medication.
        – I never received any unemployment benefits.
        – Ditto for social benefits.
        – I was born way back in the day, so I only had a stipend up to my first degree.
        – No scholarships.
        – No disability benefits.
        – No fiscal goddamn benefits because I am not married.
        – No government housing.
        – I have never received one cent in EU ERDF or ESF funding.
        – My contribution to the economy is disproportionately large in relation to my salary, so I am definitely in the 99%.
        – But I pay the full tax rate.
        – My carbon footprint is lower than the Maltese average.
        – Even though I am ugly in a typically Maltese way, I make an effort to hide myself so that I can spare Malta any further ugliness.
        – I patronise good quality shops, so I encourage an improvement in consumer services.
        – I even help old grannies cross the street.

      • bernadette Camilleri says:

        Dear Daphne don’t you think you are wasted here in Malta why don’t you go to Syria and solve there problems you are so bright and intelligent. Or go to Russia and they send you to the moon one way. Or enjoy a swim with the crocodiles to freshen up.

      • Kanadiza Maltija says:

        H.P. Baxxter… you`re the Man… love your posts and replies, please keep `em coming :)

    • Bubu says:

      Iss prosit ghalik kemm taf tilghab bin-numri. Ministru tal-finanzi misshom ipogguk la jitla Joey.

    • Jozef says:

      Rubbish, what really matters is the discrepancy in nominal GDP between 1979 and 1987 and post 1987.

      Burkhina Faso has one of the greatest growth rates worldwide, simply because a dollar a month increase doubles average income.

      If you want to compare GDP stick to readable values. It also puts into real perspective debt and the country’s capability to pay it off.

    • kev says:

      Prosit Neville, this graph shows the GDP growth RATE, which is much more indicative than the kindergarten chart shown above since it is less influenced by inflation (see my earlier comment on this page).

      One important aspect here is that the GDP growth rate was high in the Mintoff years notwithstanding the fact that hardly any debt was incurred. Contrast this to the debt accumulated by successive PN administrations, which nonetheless resulted in lower growth rates.

      • kev says:

        Also indicative is the fact that after joining the EU Malta suffered negative growth rate for the first time in living memory.

        The graph also shows the 1983 negative blip. I remember Mintoff, around 1985, saying that “f’Marzu tal-1983 missejna l-qiegh”. In hindsíght, a blip is all it was.

        Get used to negative growth rates. And good luck to Joseph. He’s been extremely lucky so far, but come 2013 he’ll be facing the buck and our budget will be controlled by nameless EU bureaucrats.

      • La Redoute says:

        Oh, dear. Rivers of wisdom from one of Mintoff’s devoted followers in his worst years. Did he ever give you a chance or did he not find you as charming as the double-barrelled Sliema type?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Finally, kev talks sense. Yes, there’s no way this planet can support positive economic growth for its seven billion inhabitants. Not with the postwar lie of prosperity for all. If we get back to one billion we could, just, go back to 0.something per cent growth.

      • kev says:

        I see you’re still baiting me for an answer, La Redoute. I also see the clutched straw in your hand. So let’s transform that into a twig.

        I met Mintoff three times, once in 1985 at the House of Four Winds in my capacity as state factotum, and twice in the spring of 2002.

        In a parallel universe, much could have emerged out of the 2002 meetings. But the timing wasn’t right (by a few months) and having to yell to be heard is not exactly my way of doing things.

        Besides, I’m a free spirit and never idolise anyone. But I will be making sure that Mintoff’s vision of a free and independent Malta lives on, Daphne & Co. notwithstanding.

        Plenty of time left. And timing is essential in life.

      • kev says:

        Baxxter, if you’re one of those idiots who’ve swallowed the globalist lie, why not start with yourself and make it minus 1.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I don’t have the courage to kill myself, kev. I’ve been meaning to since the mid-90s. If you can get hold of a gun, would you do it? I’ll sign a paper to absolve you from prosecution.

      • La Redoute says:

        As a 1985 state factotum, you’re more than welcome to Mintoff’s vision of free and independent Malta, but please confine its realisation to your corner of Brussels suburbia and spare the rest of us a repeat performance.

      • kev says:

        Remember Baxxter, black humour needs to be exceptionally funny if together we should laugh.

        As a veritable mascot here you should be allowed to exist until The Nosepad’s eventual demise no matter what your globalist friends think.

      • kev says:

        I would love to tell you more, La Redoute, curiosity sucks, I know. But first I need to tackle the question of why on earth a man like you would call himself ‘La Redoute’.

    • Manwel says:

      Thanks Neville

      That’s more a clear picture. well done.

  7. john says:

    I must say, Daphne, you’re far better at it than they are. foxxilibommom.

    • Laburist says:

      Mela oxx dik il-liba omkom se jibqa vojt ALIBA KOLLA KEM INTON

    • @John says:

      u oxx dik il-Liba Ommok hallejtu b’xejn John Hi???

    • Agius says:

      ..Tghidu ghall-“mintoffjani” baxxi – take a look at your own words!! ..attacking people will not get you ANYWHERE except where you are at present – which to be honest, isn’t looking that good!

    • Steven says:

      @ John
      Jekk tridd toffendi , hmieg kollok , mhux min ghawn , imma ejja offendi wicc imbwicc ha naraw min ghandu l-bajd , pufta kollok. Huh , tidher ma minn tinhabb , ma mara li l-ewell tghajjar u toffendi , imbghad bill puluzija ma dhara 24 sigha kuljum ghax tibza , chicken. 2 piece blogger , int ghanqas gurnalista ma int , 2 bit blogger.
      U int john , nghatikk suggeriment , mur fittex min hu missierek , jekk tidhol fir-records tan navy ingliza taf issib ishem il bahri li faqa lill ommok

  8. Delta says:

    ara, jaqaw dak is-seismograph tat-terremot li kien weghdna Joseph Muscat ?

  9. Paul Gauci says:

    Thanks for this graph Daphne. As we can see clearly Dom Mintoff managed to increase our country’s GDP by approximately 400% in 10 years between 1970 and 1980 from approximately 300 million dollars to about 1.2 billion. By 1988 it reached 2 billion dollars, an almost 700% increase in 18 years.

    If the Nationalist governments had maintained Mintoff’s growth rates between 1988 and 2006 the Maltese GDP would have reached the 14 billion US dollar mark by 2006 rather than just 6.5 billion.

    The yearly GDP growth % rates would have highlighted this fact quite easily.


    [Daphne – And if my grandmother had a spout she’d be a teapot. Our standard of living is a hell of a lot better now than it was under Mintoff. For all Mintoff’s magnificent GDP growth rates, we lived like Albanians. Do we live like Albanians now? No. Have we lived like Albanians at any point in the last 20 years? No. Did we live like Albanians in the 16 years of socialist rule? Most definitely, yes.]

    • Lomax says:

      Imma dawn bis-serjeta’? Do they REALLY think that our quality of life NOW is comparable to what it was to pre-1987? This beggars belief.

      I hope they’re just pulling our legs. I can’t believe it. I really and honestly can’t believe it.

    • Jozef says:

      Thanks to artificial income in the form of British bases and the use of its dockyard. 1979 to 1985 looks absolutely horrific, four years of negative growth, picks up the moment 8,000 were employed, leading to that which really produces debt.

      How sweet, messing around the billion mark to call it a 700% increase. A bit like boasting how Mintoff kept the pedal to the metal.

      In a Yugo.

  10. Jonjom says:

    Daphne ha niktiblek bil-Malti biex forsi dawn il-Laburisti u Mintoffjani jifmhuni.

    Il-bierah tghallimt xi haga fuq Mintoff u l-politika tieghu. Seta veru ghamel s-sea Malta, l-Airmalta u ‘l hafna gojjelli li jhobbu jsemmu, qisna qeghdin strada Santa Lucia l-belt, izda biex nuza frazi li kien ihobb juza d-Dom, il-baqra helibha u helibha tant tajjeb li ma kienx jaf li baqra iktar ma tehleb minnha xi darba l-halib se jieqaf.

    Halla baqra wahda u ma gabarx baqar ohrajn. Mal-1979 kollox spicca ghal Mintoff. Spiccaw il-flus u beda jipprova jithabbeb mal-Europa ta’ Abel.

    Insiet Justyne reverenzi li li kieku ma kienx gvern nazzjonalista ma kienx ikollha universita kif tafha hi?

    Li jinkwetani huwa li qisu gvern PN f’ 25 sena ghal dawn in-nies brainwashed qisu Xejn ma sar.

    Dan l-ahhar qtajt ftit l-ispeeches li saru fil-parlament 1998.

    Insaqsi kemm hemm nies mill-Kottonera jahdmu fil-marina jew fir-restaurants? Nghidilkom? ZERO bhal KMB. Ghax mhumiex kapaci.

  11. V. Gauci says:

    hahaha love it Daph, keep it coming!

  12. HP Sauce says:

    Gross Domestic product x’inhu ?? :p

  13. Jonjom says:

    Mhux biss mhumiex kapaci, izda m’ghandhomx hegga u ma jridux. Dan kollu ghax l-ghaziz duminku haga wahda ghallimhom li jerdghu kemm jifilhu l-kaxxa ta’ Malta. Naghmlu ftit studju interessanti u naraw jekk il-livelli gholjin fl-illitterizmu, fis-servizzi socjali kollha, inkluz single mothers, kriminalita, etc jinsabux fil-kottonera. U dan ovvja, ghax duminku u l-Lejber hallewhom fl-injoranza. Jista jaghmel x’jaghmel gvern PN ghax l-istess jibqghu.

  14. Catsrbest says:

    We have a nice saying in Maltese. Min jahsel ras il-hmar jahli l-ilma u s-sapun.

    U personalment nemmen li m’hemm l-ebda cans li dawn it-talin jifthu mohhom.

    Nemmen, bhal Platun, li d-dinja ‘binary’ zewg nahat tal-munita – sewwa jew maqlub u dawn qeghdin bil-maqlub. Xejn izjed.

    Ghalhekk dejjem injorajthom kompletament.

    U wara li sfortunatament doqt x’ifissru bejn 1971 u 1987 kont konvinta li neliminhom ghal kollox mill-memorja tieghi daqs li kieku qatt m’ezistew. Anke jekk issa kellhom jiehdu lil Dr Fenech Adami (li tant saru jiftahru bih) bhala Leader – ghalija ma jistghu jaghmlu xejn sewwa.

  15. Jolly Roger says:

    Min mindu marru ibossu u jitpastu fil-pjazza tal-kon Katridral ,gmielhom jaghmlu l arja …..u dan meta il gvern ghadu mhux taghhom.

    Dawn il-qlafat indannati Mintuffjani ha jahxulna Milied iehor, kif kienu jaghmlulna fi zmien l era tas-Salvatur taghhom.

    Laqwa li moderati u progressivi.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hope we do, so you can live in complete misery after 25 years of your crap rule. Hope you will be as miserable as hell.

      [Daphne – Oh, been there, done that, bought the Abanderado T-shirt.]

    • mark says:

      morrna inbassu e isa naraw la jmut is salvatur takom tkunx min ta ewwel titbassas li u zgur lii lanqas nofs in nies li kien em ma jkun em ax l unika haga li hala ija velenu filsinkom u iva ha nahxulkom milied ax tafu li l elezjoni ha tkun tana l unica paritt li jahseb fkulhadd u by the way spegali id demokrazija jivota kontra ir rieda tal poplu ftat divorzju dak demokratiku morru u haluna ja qabda sriep mimlijin velenu

      • TinaB says:

        Mark, l-ewwel haga, ahna, ma insejjhu lil ebda Prim Ministru jew ex politiku, Salvatur, jew inkella Missier, ghaliex ghandna sens u edukazzjoni bizzejjed biex il-politiku inharsu lejh BISS bhala politiku u mhux xi baqra tad-deheb sabiex ikollna xi haga x’noqghodu naduraw.

        It-tieni haga, tghallem ikteb l-ewwel.

  16. Last Post says:

    Unlike Jason Micallef, I not only read your blog but also enjoy reading your productions of “Taste” and “Flair”. I might be considered a softie but then I agree completely with your assessment of these (crony?) idiots: that it’s the only (unfortunately for the rest of us) language they can (without any guarantee that they will) understand — misspelling and all!

    So, yes we can say we have our own “Iron Lady” and she’s “The Ballsy Lady”.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Although I am and will always be a Labourite, I cannot deny the good things that this Government has done. But, I am sorry to say Daphne, that since everyone has a free choice and vote that should be respected by everyone, I strongly disagree with your ending paragraph which make YOU sound like a hamalla, where you also indirectly state that only Nationalists should vote. You are too blinded to respect everyone’ s opinion.

  18. Min Weber says:

    Contrary to what one would expect, there is no prima facie link between the economy and electoral results.

    Indeed, GDP increased from 1978/9 to 1981, and yet Labour lost that election.

    Actually, there was an increase on the eve of each election – irrespective of the winner.

    Which goes to show, that ‘it is [not] the economy stupid’.

    It is something else … Liberty and Justice are two (non-tangible) factors which seem to influence the electorate more than the Economy.

    If I may propose an explanation: whichever way the Economy turns or shifts, it hits everybody. But Liberty and Justice are by their very nature scarce, and therefore – from the point of view of another economy (with a small ‘e’) – there can never be evenly distributed. Indeed, the two are inversely proportional: the more liberty there is, the less justice there is; and for there to be justice, there has to be less liberty. It is probably the quest for the right equilibrium between Justice and Liberty which determines the outcome of a general election.

    (In my humble opinion, of course.)

  19. Rayb says:

    Interesting that the price of property has mirrored this rise in GDP.

  20. Stephanie says:

    Daphne please this language.!!! I understand your point that you want to be understood by..etc. etc. but to this extent! Doesn’t suit your style at all.

    [Daphne – Ahem. It’s a joke. God, how I hate having to explain EVERYTHING. If one person gets this, another person doesn’t get that.]

    • Ajma again says:

      Stephanie… Bejnietna ma nafx hux qed tghirek injoranta…mhux biex inxewwex.
      U ejja girls smile a bit ;)

  21. Mintjoffu says:

    I find your posts very entertaining. I share it with all my Mintjoffin friends and friends of friends, and we all laugh together at how much blatantly stupid, childish, and disrespectful your “articles” are. Keep it up. You should make us a graph of the debt throughout the same years.

    [Daphne – I’m pleased to see that Mintoffjani now read idiomatic English and even understand it. Thank you for the positive news. This is a fresh development, because until last week, they didn’t.]

    • Bubu says:

      Dal-idiotmatikk x’inu tajd?

      • Mintjoffu says:

        The description of this whole “running commentary”. Din minalijja li min ma jahmiliex huwa laburist. Jiena qed nitkellem bhala cittadin Malti, Ghandi ghoxrin sena u ghalkemm miniex patrijotiku jien nixtieq futur tajjeb ghal Malta. Fi ftit kliem dan il- Gvern kurrenti, fottew dak li Mintoff pruva johloq. Imma certu nies ghamjew bil- politika u jaraw x’jidhol f’ buthom u mhux x’ghandu bzonn il-poplu malti. Jien nara lil Mintoff bhala bniedem li ghen hafna familji jibnew hajja, il- Par idejn soddi li Malta ghanda bzonn ghandu qeghdin.

      • Kimmy says:

        @ Mintjoffu (below)… the fact li ghandek ‘ghoxrin sena’ obliterates your attempt at trying to praise your blessed ‘Saviour’.

        How can you possibly ‘see Mintoff as a person that HELPED families build a life’?

        You could have never possibly seen or experienced his tyranny.

        All you have is the pathetic tunnel-visioned brainwashing your family brought you up in. Of course, SOME families were favoured over the many that didn’t.

        What about those PN supporting families that had acres of land confiscated and NEVER returned! For NOTHING!

        What about the vicious beatings they received? Only THOSE people have the right to ‘SEE MINTOFF AS HE REALLY WAS!’ Par idejn sodi my ass!

      • Mintjoffu says:

        @Kimmy, Jien ma nikalkulahx bhala salvaltur, Jien ga ghatlek li jien la jien laburist, laqas nazzjonalist, Jien MALTI! u nara x’ inhu tajjeb ghal partit, ovvjament inti “brainwashjata” X’minallik taf inti fuq Malta? Paroli biss? Taf x’naf jien zgur, li tal Muzew kienu jghidulkom tamlulu il-qrun lil Mintoff, Ejdli minnhu brainwashjat issa. Li ma kienetx il- Knisja ghal PN min jaf fejn qeghdin, L- Ikbar zewg hallelin. U min int biex tijjudika x’ghamlet familti jekk brainwashjatniex jew le. Familtli qas qatt tghat kas jekk miniex ma partit jew iehor, ahseb u ara. Mux qed nitkellem ghan-Nazzjonalisti kollha, imma certu minnkom, mohhkom maghluq izjed min tifel ta tnax il-sena. Ghadkom qed tibillaw dak kollhu li jejdulkom.

      • Bubu says:

        You are only 20 – you have no idea what you’re talking about. I remember well the mess that was Malta under old Labour. I speak from first hand experience, and from what I gather, so do most of those commenting regularly here.

        He who does not know his history is doomed to repeat it.

      • IMHO says:


        Mintoff ghen lil certi familji biex izommom taht subajh. Qatt saqsejt x’kien isir minnhom dawk in-nies li tkeccew minhabba Mintoff? Jew dawk tad-Drydocks li riedu jahdmu ma kien jidhol ix-xoghol u shabhom Mintoffjani kienu jwaqfuhom?

      • Kimmy says:

        “Jien ga ghatlek li jien la jien laburist, laqas nazzjonalist […]” and what party does your family support may I ask?

        Jekk jien x’minghalija naf fuq Malta, int x’minghalik taf iktar minni?

        I am one to look and observe without horse-blinkers/blinders, unlike most of the die-hard partisans, both Labour and PN. Unfortunately we live in a small country and do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to politicians. So, it is likely that one would go with the lesser evil; and those are PN! Especially after the Mintoff’s dictatorship, if I may so call it: shuffling districts to win elections, creating a monopoly in order to generate the so called ‘wealth’ the Labourites are boasting about, STEALING land and properties from PN partisans to reward his faithful worshippers, disrupting the educational system to introduce compulsory student working!!… Oh come on!! I’ve heard it all…. and all his so called ‘good deeds’ do not compare to the lives he destroyed. And for what it’s worth, yes he did die, SO BLOODY WHAT? He lived a full life, almost to a 100!! And people go crying at his doorstep and mourn him! After all that he’s done?!! X’injoranza! Ahjar nibku ghal min qed jitlaq qabel zmienu bhal nies morda bil-cancer, milli ghal nies xjuh li ghexu hajjithom.

    • Mintjoffu says:

      “Jien MALTI! u nara x’ inhu tajjeb ghal pajjiz”

      • Jozef says:

        Spjega ‘MALTI!’

      • Mintjoffu says:

        I didn’t mourn his dead. but I’m 100% positive that this low-life commentator you have going earned the disrespect from the population, I am not talking as a guy who supports PL! Since you being as dumb as her and assuming that. What I think is if people went to mourn him infront of his doorstep means that he influenced most of those people positevly. Let’s see how many people will mourn Daphne when the time comes.
        I find it funny that you people think we are in a better situation right now. Please make me the list of those companies that we used to own which made us good income back in the days. Air Malta, Sea Malta. Oh amuse me with your wiseness kimmy. This country barely belongs to us anymore.

      • Jozef says:

        I could make you a list of companies that the Maltese own today, if you wish.

        On the other hand, you can go to the MFSA and ask for a full list of private companies yourself.

        The problem with you people is that what the Maltese managed to do, thanks to 25 years of ‘crap PN rule’, seems to offend you most.

        The day you decide to form part of this country, instead of waiting for the next messiah, cannot come too soon.

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      Taf x’naf jien zgur, li tal Muzew kienu jghidulkom tamlulu il-qrun lil Mintoff –

      Nixtieq naf minn fejn gibtha din l-informazzjoni ghax nista nghidlek zgur li qatt ma smajt dawn ic-cucati fit-tmeninijiet. Il-brainwashing kien il-Labour fuq it-tv, minn fil-ghodu sa fil-ghaxija.

  22. Catherine says:

    Wow !!! so at last you have come out…The fact that you can actually write something like that in your blog shows your true colours dear. You probably do not realise just how entertaining you are to a lot of us “laburisti”. Keep up the good much better then watching the ComedyChannel.

    [Daphne – No. It just shows that I have a finely-tuned ear for manner of speech. And if you think the rigidly edited and controlled written version is wow, you should hear the unexpurgated spoken version, no holds barred. I learned a new expression from a Dial-A-Cab driver the other day: insammrek ma’ ghoxx Alla. Isn’t that amazing? None of the Mintoffjani commenting here seem to know about it.]

    • -.- says:

      Heh, dazgur li ma jkunux jafu biha ghax m’humiex hamalli bhalek daph ;) sorry, imma dan l-ezempju li qed tipprova ttini lili li ghadni qed nitghallem? ta’ hero qed tohrog prosit ;)

    • catherins says:

      No sweet just shows that deep down you are as vulgar and ignorant as anyone else…having a finely-tuned ear has nothing to do with it. I too know all those words but I would not write them or speak them in public…too much self respect for that…

      [Daphne – No, it’s actually because you’re lower middle class and have been taught to be fastidious about these things lest jghidu bik in-nies u jahsbuk hamalla.]

      I am sure that now most people have seen the real Daphne…they can appreciate you and your maddness better. Have a good life. :)

  23. duke says:

    Kemm qedin naqaw baxxi b’din il-blog,kliem li kwazi lanqas nithajjar naqrah.Please zommu d-dekor.Daphne try to use better words (very easy)

  24. mark says:

    what a pleasure seeing that comment it seems you are crakin up pls write something constructive maybe you will make pn some good right know you are just losing them votes my god what a misarable life you must have and more if labour is in office and they will be totally right cause you are a very offensive person attack the argument not the poeple

  25. tn says:

    The thing is you need to shut up and stop offending people… You yourself sound STUPIDA! You got your own opinions and others have theirs…. So shut the f**k up with all this mintofjani shit that they re all stupid… Coz tbh ur ignorant… Ever heard of karma?

    [Daphne – Karma: the latest Labour junior chav ‘buss word’. Mur arahom jduru l-highlands tal-Afghanistan f’xi bus fin-1971 ma’ salt hippies u bla flus, kemm jibku ghal mummy kieku. Nies redikoli u ma tistghux tkunu izjed tan-n**k. Imagine asking a child of the 1970s whether she’s ever heard the word ‘karma’. Jaqaw tahsbu li din xi kelma tal-mument? Il-vera tad-dahq, jahasra.]

  26. chris says:

    Jien guvni ta’ 28 sena Nazzjonalist, u allura ma naqax taht il-kategorija ta dawk “il-Laburisti of a certain type” li semmejt inti!! Izda xorta wahda nghidlek li int mara dizgustanti u njoranta, ISTHI Daphne…..”you’re a shit”.

    [Daphne – We believe you, Chris. If you’re 28, be very worried.]

    • Arcieperku says:

      Chris int Nazzjonalist u hallina.Il-vera Nazzjonalisti naduraw lill-Daphne , ghalija tista taghlaq l-istamperija u l-ispejjez li jinfrankaw jaghtu salarju tajjeb lilha, ghax vera haqqha.

      • Anon says:

        So you adore a typical woman who talks shit about people behind a computer screen?

        [Daphne – I am quite happy to talk shit about you to your face, my dear.]

  27. fox kem ghandek daphne says:

    kem int bla sens hi, kif tista turi dik il graph????? ja mara vojta. ghax ma tfajtx il graph tal pajjizi ta lewropa kolla u naraw jek hemx xi pajjiez wihed li hu wihed li mandux il graph bhal tana, id diferenza tkun fil figuri taha imma tistaw timaginaw ghala, bhal dak li qallu il mobiles u linternet kiku ma kienx hawn in nazjonalisti fil gvern ma kinux jithlu, kem int mara vojta

  28. Joseph says:

    Viva Dr. Lawrence Gonzi li jibza minnek aktar mill-bard ta’ Jannar!!!!!!!!!!!Fejn huma l-par idejn sodi?

  29. Bridgette says:

    sinjura Daphne dak il kliem u tghajjir li ktibt ejja ghiduli personalment u mbghad naraw min jispicca mnejjek ,mintix tinduna li sirt il-pulcinella tal- pajjiz u qed tiredikola lilek innifsek :))

  30. Agius says:

    …ma tahsibx li qed tiggieled battalja diga mitlufa? Ma tahsibx li tlift il-kredenzjal li seta’ kien hawn xi hadd fuq wicc Malta kellu fik? Qieghdin naqraw li tikteb inti ghax sippost inti bniedma professjonali, u to be honest kont nistenna ahjar minghandek, imma issa l-unika raguni ghalfejn in-nies jidhlu f’dan il-blog huwa jew biex jitkazaw bik ghax waqajt f’livell baxx wisq, jew inkella biex jghaddu siegha zmien u jidhku dahka – biex twaqqa’ ismek f’dan il-livell jew ttella’ kummiedja tellajt blog inti? :)

    Jien u nahseb hafna ohrajn bhali, stennejna hafna ahjar minghandek – l-affarijiet li qrajna f’dan il-blog mhumiex denji ghal ismek.

  31. Daniel says:

    Illum ha nkellmek bil mod kif tkellimt int. Meta tqabbel qabbel kollox, ghax ma tarax il Graph tad dejn tal pajjiz.. Daphne mur hudu foxx dik il -liba li ghaqqditek ghax dejjaqtilna zobbna qisek xi wahda tifhem.

    • IMHO says:

      Taf x’ghandkom bzonn, Daniel? Vjagg go time machine lura fi zmien Mintoff halli narawkom tokorbu l-mizerja ghax m’ghandkomx gel nails, iPad, internet u karozza armata u biex taqilghu bicca hobz trid tidhol fl-industrija tal-kappar, il-korp tal-pijunieri, dirghajn il-Maltin jew thaffer id-drenagg ma tad-dejma. Min jaf x’ghageb, kieku.

  32. Andrew says:

    Hemm xi mod kif nista niltaqa naqra mieghek Daphne ha nistaqsik xi mistoqsijiet?

  33. Zak says:

    Very entertaining to say the least, but just showing a single country’s GDP in isolation is misleading. You have to factor in other world economies. Look at UK’s GDP for the same period:!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=ny_gdp_mktp_cd&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:GBR&ifdim=region&tstart=20642400000&tend=1314482400000&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false

    Very similar trends. (feel free to look up others). Your economics and reasoning may not be completely sound, but you are definitely entertaining, so keep it up :)

  34. P. Vella says:

    Daphne, from 1971 to 1980 the economy of Malta tripled. The same goes between 1992 to 2011. So this graph shows that Mintoff did in 9 years what the PN managed in only 19 years.

    Put it like this, if you have eur 100 it is not that simple to triple it to eur 300. But if you have eur 1m it is less difficult to make it to 3m, because as the saying goes Money makes money.

    [Daphne – GDP isn’t ‘money’. As for tripling, as I explained earlier. If I have one pound in my pocket and turn it into two pounds, I’ve doubled my holdings. But if I have a hundred pounds and turn them into 150 pounds, I’ve only increased my income by half. Yet there is no doubt at all which person is in the better situation.]

    Both parties were very important for the country, but your graph taken from the World Bank simply shows exactly the opposite what you’ve tried to accomplish, hence that Mintoff created the same wealth in 9 years what other managed in only 19 years

    • P. Vella says:

      daphne, the graph below is the same data you used, but in percentage terms (which is the measure used by the EU, IMF and every government in the world. Source is from the World Bank as well

      I agree with you that the second person in your example is better off, but your article talks about whether Mintoff created any wealth at all. This graph puts things in a better perspective

    • Jozef says:

      Nice try P.Vella,

      pity that Mintoff did not create the ‘same’ wealth, as the graph clearly shows.

  35. diamond says:

    Your best post ever…hilarious!

  36. Damien says:

    I Love reading your blog, its immensely refreshing and intelligently written, never stop blogging, reading your blog is the highlight of my day! :)
    (no sarcasm intended)

  37. Vee says:

    Bout time we built a great wall dividing north and south! tas -South ikunu kuntenti jghixu fiz-zmien Mintoff and we ll be even happier woot woot

  38. mohhi ahjar min tijek says:

    illum mux se niprova nkun pulit ha nuza t terminologija tijek . le int tifem ! … li ma tmurx tidu goxx peter tjek li xbajt tbarrih u jbarrik aa mara hadra . biex taqra graph tajba li ma kontx tihdu goxx dak limkemmex nannuk. issa mur saqsi n nies u ejdilom meta kienet isservik aktar il paga issa jew fi zmien mintoff u ara x jejdulek ! … ghax kienu addejin ahjar finanzjarjament milli addejin issa . u mur hudu goxx in nittien missirek u goxx l imcarta ommok

    • IMHO says:

      L-ewwel trid issib lil xi hadd li kellu paga fi zmien Mintoff, u mbghad trid tara kif kienu jghixu wkoll. Tippretendix li se jghidulek li kellhom xi kompjuter tad-ditta jew ghazla tajba fis-supermarket ghax kompjuter Mintoff kien jarah demonju u supermarket lanqas kien jezisti, ahseb u ara kemm kien se jkollok jkarrozza u mobajl ghal kull membru tal-familja.

  39. Giljan says:

    Kollha injoranza nazzjonalista… Imbaghad ejjew ghajru lilna l-laburisti injoranti ! U issa il-bravu Gonzi ihalli post bhal din ghaddejja mal-ohrajn, meta mbaghad student halla post fuq is-sess qalulha disturbanti u ta hmieg il-mohh. Mela din x’inhi ? Tigi tghajjar lil kulhadd b’ommu.. Kellu bzonn il-gvern taghkom ghamel gid daqskemm ghamel Mintoff , ja qatta hmieg.

  40. Ninja Philosopher says:

    I think your mistaking people with a heart with what you call Laburisti of a certain type.

  41. master says:

    ma tmurx tihdu foxxx il liba li ghaqditek jaa qahba ejja ghidu go wicci dan il kliem ha naraw foxx il familja tieghek jaaa liba kollok u foxx il mejtin li ghandek jaa kera

  42. Looney Daphne says:

    Mela ejja nitkellmu bil-lingwagg malti la trid taghmilha tal-brava… Ghax ma tmurx tihdu foxx l-injurant missirek u foxx iz-zbub kolla li qlajt f’imnihrek biex kabbruhulek daqsekk, kellu bzonn Gonzi jaghmel il-gid li ghamel Mintoff. Il-kaxxa ta’ Malta bla dejn kollu grazzi ghal Mintoff imbaghad jigi dal-bott liba iffermentata u jonfoq il-flus f’affarijit li jifilhu jistennew aktar snin. Biex jaghmel xi haga qisu nanntek tinhexa bhalissa daphne ghajjien… Mela ma ndahhkux daphne ghax jekk tghallimt titkellem hazin kulhadd jaf izewwaq il-kliem, u habba dal-liba gvern kulhadd tghallem id-doppju tieghek kif ghandu jidghi.. u mur hudu zobb foxx il-mejtin tieghek u zobb foxx il-hdura l ghandek , zball di natura int, min jaf ommok x tibki mia colpa mia colpa , u sew taghmel ghax gabet lilek foxx il liba familtek u l-genn l ghandek f mohhok ja bott liba.

  43. Wayne Hardy says:

    Qabel ma tajjar lil xi hadd injorant ahjar tkun taf tikteb Malti tajjeb … lingwa ta pajjizek !

    • Looney Daphne says:

      tghid ghalina li ma nifmux dil-bott liba foxx familta… xiz zobb tahseb li hi tifel ta 3 snin jirraguna iktar minnha foxx kemm anda

  44. -.- says:


    jien ghad ghandi tmintax-il sena u emminni li l-politika ma tinteressani xejn. Izda opinjoni dwar dak li nara u nisma’ ghandi ukoll. B’dispjacir nghidlek li jin il familja tieghi huma kollha niex laburisti, pero ghal kuntrarju ta’ dak li ghidt int jien ma narahomx bhala nies stupidi u b’injoranza spjetata kif ghidt int, anzi, dejjem hallewni libera li nidentifika ruhi ma liema partit irrid jien. Filfatt wara dak li qed tikteb int qed tikkonfermali kemm inti int injoranta, stupida u bla mohh aktar mill-mintoffjani kollha. Nerga’ nghidlek li jien ghadni ma nafx lil min se nivvota, pero, i made it a point li zgur ma nivvotax lil nies bhalek. Int min int biex tghajjar hekk lil haddiehor? Int jafek xi hadd? Qas jek tkun min tkun ma tghajjar hekk, ahseb u ara int! Ftakar li mintix Alla, ma tafx kollox, mint xejn u mint hadd aktar minni jew minn haddiehor. Zomm postok u tiddizgustax aktar nies bil-hamallagni tieghek.


    [Daphne – “Zomm postok”. Honestly.]

    • IMHO says:

      Daphne se tohrog ghall-elezzjoni li jmiss? Din gdida.

    • -.- says:

      honestly? you’re no one daph :) u’ve got ur opinion, i’ve got mine. thanks to you, for sure No PN for me if you’re part of it :) u ahjar izzommu int postok hero kollok ax ta hero qed taghmila li tifhem f kollox sakemm issib kappell jigik! :))…. and to be honest YOU ARE NO ONE to offend people… :) u ghalkemm jien zghira, il quddiem, Malta bina se timxi mhux b’xi hadd bhalek… Inzomm posti? hehe… Zomm tieghek u ahna li mohna maghluq skontok, inzommu taghna :)

      • IMHO says:

        Nawguralek futur mill-isbah -.- Se tkun qeghda fil-frisk tghix go pajjiz mimli mhuh ta’ nemla.

        Mhux ta’ b’xejn Mintoff kien jaghmel li jrid bihom nies bhalek, u mhux ta’ b’xejn Muscat ghad jaghmel l-istess, ghax immexxi mill-wahxijiet u fatati Mintoffjani tal-passat.

      • -.- 2 says:

        naqbel mieghek jien sinjorina. illum il gurnata qieghdin nghixu f socjeta fejn kulhadd jitqies l istess, livell wihed pero nies bhal daphne jahsbu li jkunu lahqu hemm fuq, meta fil verita ikunu missu il qiegh bil frustrazzjoni taghom u jinfexxu f haddihor. kieku ma kien al mintoff qas int m’ int ‘nies’ daphne ahseb u ara! irringrazzja l alla u sodd halqek!

      • -.- 2 says:

        Mohh ta nemla int, li ghadek ta ftahtx mohhok! Malta zgur mhux ha timxi b’nies bhalek jew daphne jew b’dan il-gvern li ghadna. Ghamilna progress? Qas xejn. Mill-hazin ghall-ghar! J’alla l-gid li gab Mintoff igibu Joseph u nies ohra bhalu !!

      • -.- says:


        1. Hadd qatt ma ghamel li ried bija u hadd qatt ma hu se jaghmel ghax jien nemmen u nisma dak li rrid.

        2. Jien ghandi vot, u la jien Laburista u lanqas Nazzjonalista, izda, fl-istadju li wasal il-pajjiz u minn dak li qed nara, il-Partit Nazzjonalista m’ghadux kompatibbli sabiex jigverna l-pajjiz. Ghamel wisq zballji dawn l-ahhar snin u b’dispjacir nghid li minhabba kwistjonijiet interni tal-partit, Malta kollha sofriet.

        3. Forsi l-Perit Mintoff zballja ukoll fit-tmexxija tieghu, izda hu kien dak li taghna lura l-identita’ hielsa taghna, u li gab ammont kbir ta flus kull sena minghand l-Inglizi filwaqt li ta qablu kien igib cucata, biex Malta setghet tlahhaq mad-dejn u timxi ‘l quddiem. Wara gwerra, l-ekonomija ovjament kienet imsabbta, u li kieku ma kienx Dom Mintoff ghal Malta abbli konna nibqghu taht l-Inglizi u Malta qatt ma kienet tiehu ruh.

        u imbilli awgurajtli futur mill-isbah, awgurah ukoll lilek innifsek li ha tkun qed tghid fl-istess dinja tieghi. U jekk tahseb, li l-Laburisti mohh ta nemla, ghidli ftit x’livell edukattiv ilhaqtu intom li membri Laburisti ghadhom ma lehqux… ghax sa fejn naf jien intom mintomx allat kif timmaginaw li intom. U kif ghidt, jien minix Laburista, la Mintoffjana u wisq inqas Nazzjonalista. B’hekk inhossni libera li nitkellem ghax minix biased.


    • John Zammit says:

      Lili taghgbuni kif tridu twiegbu lil Daphne bil-biza u b’ nom-de-plume. Daphne ma tibzax u tghid li thoss u hadd ghadu qatt ma rnexxielu imeri l-argumenti taghha. Daphne qatt ma ghamlet theddida fuq hadd. Kull ma tghid huwa veru.

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      Of course, li l-familja tieghek kollha Laburisti… brainwashing at its best, bhal li kieku taf minn x`hiex ghaddew in-nies taht Mintoff.

  45. Annonymus says:

    Aw ja mahmuga Daphne ,qed tghajjar lil Mintoffjani u li Alla hares tkun bhalna ??? MARA ZIBBLA , MAHMUGA , GIDDIEBA , U HADRA BHALEK !!!!!!!!!!

    • graziella says:

      ja befana ghaliex qed tejdu issa dan il kliem wara li miet? li kieku ma kontx chicken(bir rispett kollu lejn it tigieg) li kellek xi tghid missek ghedtulu f hajtu halli jkun jista jtik risposta mhux issa. ghalkemm tibzax ghandu hafna min jiddefendih ta mhux ha nibzaw minnek ja haga kerha. jjjjjjaaaaaaaaqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

  46. South says:

    Dear Vee,

    First I must introduce myself … I’m from the south, I come from a working class family, I have a university degree, and at times I work in the North as an EFL teacher. I enjoy the company of both people from the North part of Malta and of the South part. Hence, I think that it is so rude to judge people just because you have a different social background.

    I must say that I voted for the nationalist party and most probably I will vote in the same way in the next election. However, I am utterly shocked at how certain people undervalue people from the south of Malta and think that they have the right to withhold their votes! Just because you were lucky enough to be educated does not mean that you have the right to decide for others.

    • Vee says:

      I apologize dear South. In today’s world everybody comes from a working class background.

      We all work hard to earn our living and pay taxes which go towards social services which again are unfortunately abused by people who in their ignorance have this mentality “nisloh kemm nista’ “.

      Also we are talking about NOW and the fact that the vast sums of national expenditure that have gone towards education, seem to have gone to waste judging by the comments posted here by younger “Mintoffjani”.

      It seems to me that our country will never be able to move forward since roughly 50pct of us are stuck in their supposedly glorified past! Besides you were lucky enough to attend university mhux bhali fiz-zmien l-ghoxrin punt!

      • South says:

        Yes, indeed, we need to move forward, and that’s why, we shouldn’t build walls to discriminate between South and North. I think that you are generalising with your former comment.

        (“Bout time we built a great wall dividing north and south! tas -South ikunu kuntenti jghixu fiz-zmien Mintoff and we ll be even happier woot woot”).

        The nationalists need votes from the South part of the country as well. One can’t keep generalising and insulting people. It’s politically immature.

  47. Martha says:

    You should be ashamed of your self! Next time you try to offend half the maltese population with their ignorance try to use proper spelling! He’s the man who gave us free education and medicine. He gave us the airport and the freeport! He’s the man who helped end the cold war! He gave us women the right to vote! AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

    [Daphne – You know, I’m beginning to subscribe to the ‘line them up and shoot them’ school of thought. It’s the only way to put you out of your ignorant misery. No number of opportunities – all of them FREE – seems to make any difference.]

    • IMHO says:

      Martha, take a deep breath and learn a few facts:

      1. The Luqa airport was built by the British. We had air travel before Mintoff.

      2. Subsidised education (it isn’t free – someone else pays) started before Mintoff came to power.

      3. The Cold War ended in 1989 when Fenech Adami was Prime Minister.

      4. The defining act that ended the Cold War was an agreement signed between Ronald Reagan (US) and Mikhail Gorbachev (USSR). Malta was not a signatory and Mintoff did not feature in the process.

      5. The agreement was signed aboard a ship called the Maxim Gorky that was moored in Maltese waters, but that does not mean Malta ended the Cold War.

      6. Last but not least, women were allowed to vote in 1947. Mintoff can’t take credit for that because he was not PM at the time, and he certainly wasn’t PM when Paul Boffa moved the motion to introduce the vote in 1945 (it took two years to become effective).

      If you don’t believe me, ask Google or Wikipedia.

    • Snoopy says:

      The present air terminal was started in 1988 and finished in 1992 (where was Mintoff then?)

      Malta Freeport started in 1988, on what was then known as kalaxlokk, an inadequate harbor facility on which there was just
      a second-hand Quayside Crane and two Forklifters! ( again where was Mintoff then?)

  48. neutral says:

    Inti jidirlek li b’dan il kliem qed toffendi lil xi hadd? Fil- fehma tieghi hlief twaqqa lilek innifsek u lil dawk il- povra genituri li rabbewk mintiex taghmel!

    Jien il- politka qatt ma tajt kasa pero vera qed turi kemm int persuna mill- gharr b’dawn il- kummenti diskriminattivi kontra il- laburisti u kontra Mintoff… ma nafx x’ghammilek izda zgur li hadd ma haqqu dak il- kliem oxxen wara mewtu!

  49. keith says:

    You’re serious? you’re making fun of how the laburisti speak? look at yourself and re read your disgusting and ignorant comments against the dead. you should be ashamed of yourself!! Go to hell no one likes you!!

    • IMHO says:

      Keith, it must be pointed out to you that criticising a former Prime Minister and assessing his political legacy is not at all unseemly. On the contrary, it is not only expected but also essential.

      If he and his deeds do not stand up to scrutiny, the failing is his and not that of his critics.

  50. Benson says:

    Daphne will you marry me please?

  51. joe sponsi says:

    Tal-pepe huwa djalett li gabruh dawk li kienu jilaqu lill inglizi u jippruvaw jidru inglizi bhalhom. j

  52. Just a regular guy says:

    Why don’t you go out once in a while and make some friends Daphne ?

    [Daphne – If only you knew. Fl-internet age u tahsbu li biex tikteb blog trid toqghod gewwa.]

  53. jien says:

    jaqaw kien jahxilek l ommok mintof?

  54. AF says:

    Jiddispjacini nghid, imma nahseb ma tafx taqra l-istatistika Daphne jew ghandek xi habib designer li pingielek wahda.

    Jekk wiehed jgharrex l-internet, isib facilment din l-informazzjoni:
    GDP growth (annual %)

    The value for GDP growth (annual %) in Malta was 3.15 as of 2010. As the graph below shows, over the past 39 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 19.56 in 1975 and a minimum value of -3.30 in 2009.

    Definition: Annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on constant local currency. Aggregates are based on constant 2000 U.S. dollars. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources.

    Source: World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.

    Dan huwa l-link:

    Jidher bic-car li l-aktar sena li kellna GDP kien fl-1975 u l-inqas fl-2009, avolja il-Prim Ministru taghna qalilna li ma dhalniex f’ricessjoni.

    Daphne, jien minix ha nghajjrek jew noffendik kif ktibt fl-artiklu tieghek. Minix daqshekk baxx bhalek (avolja ghajjart lil-Laburisti li jaghmlu hekk) li naqa ghal-livell medjokri tieghek. Jien nikkwota bil-fatti mhux nghid paroli bla valur bhalek.

    Grazzi xorta wahda tal-lezzjonijiet tieghek….imma thank you but no thank you…zommhom ghalik dal-gideb ahjar!

    • Jozef says:

      ‘Jidher bic-car li l-aktar sena li kellna GDP kien fl-1975 u l-inqas fl-2009…’

      Mela hsibtha xita jew?

      • AF says:

        Dan huwa kumment ridikolu tieghek li mhux ta min jikkummenta. Biss ara l-istat ta fatt, li l-iktar rata gholja ta’ GDP kien fl-1975 u l-iktar rata baxxa kienet fl-2009. Hsibtek li se tifimha kif ktibtha qabel…forsi tkellimt wisq tqil ghalik, jiddispjacini, hsibtek nazzjonalist intelligenti (la skont Daphne l-Laburisti biss l-injuranti)

      • Jozef says:

        2009 eh? Ghidli int x’gara dik is-sena’.

        Jigifieri skond int, bejn is-80 u l-85 is-sitwazzjoni ma’ kenitx tal-biki. Hames snin fuq xulxin jekk ma’ jimpurtax, u r-raguni x’kienet, li Mintoff kien bniedem difficli?

    • Bubu says:

      FFS Is it possible that you don’t realize you’re speaking out of your ass?
      GDP is not the same as GDP growth. It’s obvious that if you start out with nothing you cannot but get a large GDP growth.

      • AF says:

        Jekk il-warrani tieghek isbah minn wiccek, nifhem li tahseb li kulhadd jitkellem minn wara, imma fil-kas tieghi mhuwiex hekk. Qabel l-1975 kien hemm il-gvern nazzjonalista…allura ‘Bubu’ qed tammetti li l-gvern ta’ Borg Olivier ma halla xejn (nikkwota ‘ It’s obvious that if you start out with nothing you cannot but get a large GDP growth), u aktar minn hekk li l-gvern ta’ Mintoff hallielna hafna (tikkunsidra l-istess kumment li ssottoponejt)?

        Tghallem tkellem u twaqqghax il-gebla fuq saqajk, specjalment la titkellem mill-warrani!

      • Bubu says:

        Everybody knows that the GDP in the 60s was very low. Ma skoprexjtx l-Amerka ta’ b’daqshekk u r-ragunijiet huma maghrufin.

        But that is wholly beside the point. The point being that you’re confusing GDP and GDP growth, hence talking out of your ass.

        “li l-gvern ta’ Mintoff hallielna hafna”
        Has to take the biscuit.

      • AF says:

        Jien qed nuza l-logika wara l-kummenti tieghek. Galadarba qed tghid li naqqasna l-GDP growth fis-snin ta wara Mintoff, dan jindika li Mintoff halla l-ekonomija tal-pajjiz f”surplus’. Naf li forsi difficli tifimha l-logika, imma qed nipprova npingilek l-istampa cara kemm jista jkun.

        Il-GDP growth huwa marbut direttament mal-GDP tal-pajjiz. L-istatistika ta Daphne hija fazulla ghaliex il-valur tal-lira/sterlina/dollaru naqas biz-zmien u allura hija haga ovvja li ha ssib li d-dhul ikun aktar mis-sebghinijiet. Naghti ezempju car, propjeta li f’dak iz-zmien kienet tiswa Lm4,000, illum tiswa Lm60,000 (appr.140,000).

        Ghaldaqstant huwa l-persentagg tal-GDP growth li trid tiehu f’kunsiderazzjoni, ‘Bubu’.

        Aktar minn hekk nixtieq inkun naf x’inhuma r-ragunijiet li ‘huma maghrufin’ u li ma kinux prezenti fis-snin ta wara. Nahseb dawn int biss tafhom, forsi b hekk gejt titkellem mill-warrani.

        Haga ohra tal-ahhar, ‘the biscuit’ tikolha minn fejn titkellem ukoll?!!!

    • AF says:

      Daphne, qed nistenna l-kummenti tieghek fuq dan li ghidt…jew bqajt bla kliem bhas-soltu quddiem il-verita? Jekk tara z-zewg tentattivi ta risposti ta shabek tal-klikka, ma ntikx tort li tibqa siekta ghax il-vera ma jafux jirribattu msieken. U dawn ma nahsibx li huma laburisti injuranti….

    • Snoopy says:

      Thallat il-bass mall-hass. Percentage increase has little if any effect, it is actual increase that counts.

      • AF says:

        Ma nafx jekk ma tafx, imma l-persentagg huwa taz-zieda attwali mhux ta zieda passata jew futura. Jigifieri nahseb ma tafx fuq xiex qed titkellem habib. Mur aqra sew u ifhem xi tkun qed tghid…Kif ghidt lil siehbek, int nahseb il-hass li semmejt minn fejn johrog il-bass tieklu…

  55. TILF says:

    Dear Daphne… i think you better go suck a big cock so you can keep your big mouth busy and shut…. Your Maltese makes Mikiel Anton Vassalli jealous… You only do this so you can increase hits on your website…. You are just a ‘YES WOMAN’ . PPPIIAACCC… BITCH.. I am a Nationalist but people like you make me sick

  56. Unknown says:

    ahjar tara lit tifel tieghek qisu grottlu jitkellem hazin fuq il cameras u int emm qisek demmek frizat ma jtajrux trakk u jehodulek darba al dejjem ja kurnuta foxx kemm ghandek!

  57. grow up says:

    grow up

  58. ECONOMIST says:


    [Daphne – Tell you what, if we sold you all off into slavery, we could make a killing, solve the deficit problem, make more room for the rest of us, and be left with a really nice, civilised country.]

    • L.B says:

      The point is mintoff managed to escape both the deficit problem and the slavery problem while still introducing all the benefits we still enjoy today.. with one difference… no deficit ;)

      if you call a country that sells people to slavery, civilized (doesn’t matter what kind of people) .. you might be well out of your mind Daphne …

      • IMHO says:

        You’re wrong there, L.B. Mintoff financed your social benefits by selling Malta to Gaddafi.

      • L.B says:

        IMHO, pls give me one instant where gaddafi had power over Malta.

        [Daphne – His hands on the purse-strings and guns pointing in our direction, LB.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Moron. Today we enjoy far greater benefits (well, you do; I don’t) than we did under Mintoff. Social and other benefits have gone up, stipends have been given to every imbecile who puts his name down for any course, the public health services treats just about anything, with no questions asked, and there’s a whole shower of tax benefits for the undeserving.

        Hence the deficit.

        You cannot have your cake and eat it too. PN should have explained this long ago, but seeing as it’s become more socialist than Labour, it keeps piling on the benefits. And you keep piling on the pounds. Imbaghad mhux xorta, Manché jaghmillek triple bypass u erga’ ibda…

      • L.B says:

        I agree, but the point is a good leader would be able to compromise the number of benefits with the deficit the country can afford… can Malta keep piling on its deficit as it is currently doing?… there have been loads of money carelessly spent in order to gain popularity by the nationalist party some of which due to lack of control on certain benefits… that’s where good politics come in useful.. under Mintoff Malta took a great leap in its standard of living while escaping the deficit problem ;).. also Mintoff encouraged the start, growth and success of loads of Maltese businesses.. thus the standard of living in malta increased due to an increase in job opportunities and without requiring the use of social benefits such as pensions enjoyed by the jobless people

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You’re one of thousands who think running the national economy is like paying your grocery bills. Even if I reply, you wouldn’t understand. Please have a word with an economist, or read a book, or pester our – ahem – intellectuals and academics, and then come back here.

        Here’s something for you to ruminate over: If you had 1950s clothes, appliances, jobs, infrastructure and entertainment, but the 2012 government deficit and debt were zero, would you be happy with your standard of living?

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      If Daphne were a communist, she’d be a fan of Mintoff’s policies, you idiot.

      I don’t know why idiots like you are making a big deal of the fact that we did not have a deficit at the time, it wasn’t because we had Mintoff, it was because barely any countries at the time made deficits.

      As an economist, you should know that that chart reflects the fact that today you have a standard of living which people in Mintoff’s time couldn’t even dream about. So glad I was born in the 90s.

  59. says:

    Daphne, tista twigibni ghamel li trid. Jien m’ghandhiex partit ma min inzomm ghax skont kif nahsiba jien, m’hawn hadd sura bhalissa fil-politika. Prosit hafna e! Ghandek ligwacc ferm interessanti min ghand wahda li “suppost” tghallmet l-iskola u ghandha l-manjieri fil-gurnalizmu. F’ dan il-kaz ma nafx fejn tinsab l-etika tieghek u vera urejt il-hila tar-rispett lejn haddiehor. Dom Mintoff ghamel hafna gid hawn Malta u m’intiex se twaqqafni int milli nghidha, zbalja ukoll ghax hadt mhu perfett, imma ahseb u ara int kemm qed tizbalja tippublika artikli vagi bhal dawn. Ftakar Daphne li int m’inthiex xi Alla u aqqas int perfetta u ghandek l-affarijiet tieghek hadd ma jindahallek fihom u ghalhekk taghmel sew kieku tirrispetta iktar il-mewt ta Mintoff ghax persuna bhalu Malta qatt mhu ha tara zgur, kemm min-naha tal-Laburisti u l-anqas in-nazzjonalisti sfortunatament. Ftakar li kieku int l-anqas edukazzjoni ma hadt u probabli pajjiz bhal tal-Kenya konna nispiccaw minghajru. Kulhadd ghandu opinjoni pero qed tonqos mir-rispett u ma nistax nifhem ghalfejn qed tesprimi din il-mibgheda lejn Mintoff ghax zgur li gid rajt min naha tieghu. Kieku forsi tispjega lilna li qed naqraw il-blogs tieghek ghalfejn hadta daqshekk kontra Mintoff ma nafx kemm ha ssib raguni bis-sens. Min-naha tieghi daqshekk u la trid tkun fil-familja tieghi hemm persuni li jxaqilbu lejn il-partit Nazzjonalista, pero jirrealizzaw li f’ Malta minghajr Mintoff m’ahniex li ahna illum.

  60. Jozef says:

    Methinks Joseph should really print out this thread and use it as a case study in his ‘congress’.

    After all, isn’t he one who approves of the policies adopted since 1987?

  61. Yasmine says:

    We pity you, crazy, ignorant people :’)

  62. nas says:

    lol free comedy! hard to find these days!!

  63. rot in hell says:

    Gonzi dcg Pn sounds right

  64. n says:

    Kemm waqajt fil-baxx dawn l-ahhar jiem!! proset e! kumplejt turina x’inti!!

  65. Pauline Pisani says:

    I have nothing against you publishing a partial picture of the financial reality under the PN reign, after all, it is your job as an allegest ‘journalist’.
    What I cannot understand, is how you can ever insult some Lejburisti’s choice of language, if you yourself are stooping down to that level.
    I do believe that it’s okey to swear since after all it’s part of our language… But from now on, I really do hope that you understand that you’re an equal with all the Lejburisti who left filthy comments on your site. After all, it is often said that one has got to keep his friends close, but his enemies closer!

    [Daphne – Tghid mhux se nistiedni ghat-te, Pauline?]

  66. Pauline Pisani says:

    I have nothing against you publishing a partial picture of the financial reality under the PN reign, after all, it is your job as an allegest ‘journalist’.
    What I cannot understand, is how you can ever insult some Lejburisti’s choice of language, if you yourself are stooping down to that level. I really do believe that it’s okey to swear since after all it’s part of our language… But from now on, I really do hope that you understand that you’re an equal with all the Lejburisti who left filthy comments on your site. After all, it is often said that one has got to keep his friends close, but his enemies closer!

    [Daphne – I don’t use that kind of language. That’s the point. It was ironic use, a concept beyond your grasp.]

    • Pauline Pisani says:

      So who wrote this blog? Mintoff that arose from the dead?

      • IMHO says:

        noun /ˈīrənē/  /ˈiərnē/ 
        ironies, plural

        The expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

      • Pauline Pisani says:

        Dear Daphne and IMHO,
        I think it’s more a case of ‘d-e-n-i-a-l’,

        de·ni·al   noun.: An assertion that something said, believed, alleged is not true, etc., The false refusal to recognize or acknowledge; a disowning or disavowal: the traitor’s denial of his country; Peter’s denial of Christ.

        All this said, having tea with you Daphne, will surely have been something that I will have looked forward too. I am sure that we could have discussed many a topic, laugh, and argue over many a thing. Alas!

  67. nikita says:

    Il- verita dejjem tohrog bhaz – zejt jitla f’wicc l’ilma.
    urejjtna vera xint . injoranta u tlaqt min mohhok.

    • IMHO says:

      Are you the famous plagiarist? Then this bears repeating:

      noun /ˈīrənē/  /ˈiərnē/ 
      ironies, plural

      The expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect

  68. MARICA says:

    Jien la jien xi xiha u lanqas mintuffjana anzi s’issa dejjem ivvutajt lill- partit nazzjonalista imma meta naqra kummenti bhal dawn gejjin minn xi hadd li ghandu l-pozizzjoni tieghek u ma saret l-ebda apologija mill-partit nazzjonalista jew mill- kap u jekk ihallik tikkontesta ghall-elezzjoni nahsibha mitt darba u zgur li ma nivvuttax lin-nazzjonalisti, u meta titkellem b’ dak il- mod pastaz u baxx u redikolu jaqbduni nervi kbar! ghaliex nippretendi li min sippost ghandu l fiducja tal- poplu ghandu jghati ezempju u mhux iqanqal xi haga bhal din u li kieku int veru nazzjonalista u tibzgha ghall-partit ma tghamilx dak li qed taghmel ghax fl-opinjoni tieghi hsara qed taghmel,

  69. MARICA says:

    Xi haga ohra daphne ghaliex qaghadt tistenna li jmut mintoff biex tghid dan il- kliem ma stajtx ghidt xi haga bhal din waqt li mintoff kien ghadu haj halli jkun jistgha jirrispondik hu u jghati twegiba ghal- afarijiet li qed tghid fuqu, jew tahseb li kien idahhlek il- qorti u tehel xi wahda kbira , min jipprova jdahhal il- mibgheda jkun qed jaqdi x-xjaten u li tghid li kien jisthoqlu mewt bhal dik ta’ gaddaffi qbizt il- limitu jien meta rajt x’ mewt ghamel lanqas stajt norqod bil- lejl u hassejtni hazin hafna nara nies jifirhu bil- vjolenza propju ghaliex hu kien vjolenti ghaliex two wrongs don’t make one right ! Il- gustizzja rridu nhalluha f’idejn Alla !

    • L.B says:

      totally agree!!

      when the cat’s away the mice will play ehhh!.. imma only the chicken mice will come out to play when the cat’s away ;)

    • Marco says:

      she won’t answer. What you wrote makes sense, and its a very civil argument. She doesn’t make sens, and she’s far from civil. All she does is insult other, makes fun of others, check spelling of other….. and she thinks she’s perfect. She’s sick in the head…she needs help….she needs an exorcist……and she won’t reply to your messages…..or if she does she will make fun of you. Miskina…ma tafx ahjar.

      [Daphne – Excuse me, but whose blog is this and whose guest are you? She she she she. Ahjar tghallimtu tmorru man-nies minflok din l-imhabba kollha ghal Mintoff.]

      • L.B says:

        mm ahjar nitallmu mill ezempji u l frazijit tiek mela bhal: “aaaaaa qatta mintufjani mnejkin!!!!!” fuq kif anna mmorru man nies!

      • MARICA says:

        Jien naf immur man-nies u minghajr ma nsulentajtek staqsejtek xi haga u ma rrispondejtniex u li ktibt indirizzajtu lilek b’ismek, nifhem li kulhadd xi darba jew ohra taqbizlu c-cinga u tohroglu xi kelma hazina bla ma jrid imma apparentament int se tkompli sejra bijha ahjar nibzghu ghal partit u jekk hemm xi haga li vera ghandek ghalfejn takkuza lill-Mintoff bijha ahjar tghidha ghax hekk qed twaqqa l- gebla fuq saqajk forsi hemm xi misteri imma mhux ahjar taghti cans xi verifika jew ikollok il- provi jekk ghandek tghid xi haga u tghidha minghajr ma tkun blunt jew daqshekk zbukata! ghax jahasra jekk tattakka se jattakawk lura mentri l-provi jekk ghandek iswed fuq abjad hadd ma jistgha jghid xejn ahjar minn dawn l-attakki personali!

        [Daphne – Marica, it’s a free damn country, no thanks to many of the people who live here and are trying their best to make sure it isn’t. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Get used to this idea. You’re going to have to, at some point.]

    • Clifford says:

      Sa fejn naf jien, Daphne anki meta kien ghadu haj kienet titkellem dwar il-kwalita’ ta’ bniedem kien Mintoff. U darba tellaghha l-qorti, u him minnhom beda jghajjat mal-magistrat u jipprova jiddettalu kif ghandu jghaddi gudizzju, imma xorta giet liberata Daphne.

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      You are an idiot. First of all, why would the leader of the Nationalist party have to apologize for what Daphne is saying?

      She is not affiliated with the Nationalist Party in any way, and she has often said that she is not interested in running for election (not that she should apologize should be made for her articles anyway).

      Second of all, she has spoken about Mintoff on many occasions, and as far as I know he even sued her for libel and she won. Daphne probably isn’t answering you because your comments are utterly ridiculous, I’m just doing this as an experiment to see if the ignorant can be educated.

  70. sigh ... says:

    *eating popcorn and enjoying the show*

    It’s amusing to watch all you “intellectual” hardcore nationalists and labourists pathetically fighting over a skimpy average-joe bias blog.

    Do yourself a favor “Daph”, *hint* *hint* – before mastering your next blog, how about something just a little more appealing to that so important % which couldn’t be bothered by your childish past-grudges which have led your once-interesting blogs to total ridicule.

    … and before posting one of your usual replies (spell check / Abrv name piss off explanation / other similar “intellectual” shit… ), just wanted to say many thanks for providing a means of amusement for us silent lurkers, “Daph”.

    “Two things are infinite – the universe and human stupidity … and I’m not sure about the first one.”

    [Daphne – Believe me, it’s the second. Look at all the evidence on this comments-board. “Daph” hint hint. Pathetic. I’m astonished that we are at near full employment when there are so many young people around who are clearly going to remain unemployable unless somebody takes pity on them and sticks them behind a till.]

  71. toni says:

    what a sad woman!!!!!!!!

  72. Catania says:

    Daphne ghandek xi kliem ma ktibtomx sew umbad ghoqod ghajjar lil haddiehor jekk jiehu zball !!!

  73. El says:

    Ma stajtx taqa baxxa aktar minn hekk daphne…..waqajt al livell ta laburisti li tant tghid li huma hamalli……mux kemm taf lingwi sabiha jghod, is sahha tal mohh l ewwel and it seems very clear that you need help. Jien laburista u ma nisthix nghid u le ma naqax al livell stupidu tieghek….. Urejt li l laburisti huma hamalli imma n nazzjonalisti xempju tal hamalagni

  74. M Camenzuli says:

    Ara tehduhiex bi kbira ghal post li kiteb Joe Grima fuq Facebook. It-tnejn li huma hziena, nuru li ahna Maltin u qeghdin indahhqu lid-dinja bina…. META HA NIKBRU!!!!

    • M Camenzuli says:

      By the way, Mintoff firex is-sodda lil ta warajh… ma tistax taghmel paragun ghax il kuntest totalment differenti. Ma nafx min ma jifhimx l-aktar jien, jekk hux DCG jew il-popolin!

  75. Pete says:

    Haha tajba din…

  76. Pete says:

    These are so spot on and true.

  77. L.B says:

    This is China’s GDP rise:

    Does this mean that in China all employees had a rise in their standard of living?

    In my opinion as in what happened to Malta – only a few had a rise in their standard of living under the nationalist party.. whereas under Mintoff everyone worked hard in order to increase the standard of living of the whole the Maltese community

  78. Clint says:

    Hux Salvatur issejhulu? Ghamlu pjacir lil Malta u itolbuh biex johodkom kolla mieghu xi dwejjaq fikhom.

    • vannessa says:

      ghax ma titlobux il dak il miqran il andkom jihu lilkom mieghu foxx il hofor il andu go wiccu ja qatta demel il intom iva ahna salvatur inssejhulu u anha ghal fejn nadlu hek ghax dejjem jahdem ghal malta mhux bhal dak il bott liba qasra il andkom

  79. LM says:

    Cry bitch

  80. Marco says:

    aaaaaa qatta mintufjani mnejkin!!!!! tafu xi tfiser dik il linja??????!!!!!! tfiser li zop fox ommkom mintof amel gid ghal malta. aaaaaa qatta stupidi u injoranti li ma tifmu xejn – araw flima sena tibda tila l linja u b kem telet u araw kif kinet il linja taht is salvatur ta oxx il liba ghajnkom li bih fotejtu pajjis grazzi ghal injuranza spejtata u grazzi al fatt li andkom vot bhal vot ta dawk li andom mohh

    Daphne, ghandek il-wicc tghajjar lil-laburisti hamalli lol ?

    [Daphne – Oh I see. You think I actually speak like that, do you. I’m imitating your friends, darling. Glad to know I do it so well that even you believe it authentic.]

    • MARICA says:

      Probably this is just an excuse no way you are imitating any one it’your own words to make your point daphne, and it’s authentic not because you are doing it so well dear because you have so many spelling mistakes like zobb not zop foxx and not fox ghamel not amel tfisser not tfiser ghajnkom does not exist ghandkhom not andkom only English speaking people who swear in Maltese will do these mistakes and beleive me I know alot of these people tal- pepe who swear very good in bad! Maltese lol!

      [Daphne – Irony is lost on the thick and the literal-minded. Do you actually believe that’s my spelling? That I can write near-perfect Maltese most of the time and then suddenly lapse into the Facebookese of subliterate guttersnipes? Go and drown yourself in Lidl soft drinks, do yourself a favour.]

  81. Thomas Fenech says:

    Bħalissa Mintoff zgur qiegħed jitbissem fejn il-Missier. Il-poplu Malti wera l-gratitudni li għandu lejn Mintoff fil-ġimgħa l-oħra. Toqodux taħlu ħin ma din ħbieb Maltin ta kull partit u ta kull opinjoni. Anzi itolbu għaliha għax għandha bżonn.

  82. toni says:

    Issa sirt tifhem fl-ekonomija ukoll Daphne, mela ha nghidlek jien jekk tnaqqas is 7 biljun dollaru dejn li ghandna il GBP terga tinzel ghal dik ta zmien Mintoff, Kull ma ghamel il PN dejjiena lilna u lil uliedna biex nhossuna qeghdin ahjar. Min hu l-injurant issa!

  83. lc says:

    Sorry to say but you should never go down to this level of language … sorry to say that if you are using same language you are being insulted with, than you are no better than who is insulting you …. On the other hand you should respect the opinion of others… Whatever Mintoff has done to this country he has been out of politics for a very very very long time … So i do not see why an intelligent person like you should even go into such hassle, when this country is at present passing through turmoil….

  84. Gigz says:

    Hahaha…..prosit kemm tifhem fl ekonomija u ghandek ragun tikteb bil lingwa Ingliza bisssss….ghallinqas dahhaqtni wahda!!!!

  85. Sara Galea says:

    You are fairly desperate to increase the number of unique visitors to your site aren’t you?

    [Daphne – No, I’m not. The site has been top-ranked for ages. But thanks for helping out by popping in so often.]

    • :P says:

      Was this site “top-ranked” by yourself?! Believe me, you are abusing with your right to freedom of speech. But there’s nothing to do as this government is scared of this crazy woman running around. Don’t worry, someday everyone will get what he deserves.

      [Daphne – Those who believe that everyone gets what they deserve live in hope and die in bitter disappointment. If I got what I deserved, it would be a 20-year sabbatical as a reward for putting up with the relentless odium of scum like you.]

  86. Bhima 666 says:

    Il-graph imbaghbsa mill-laqghi Baxxter … f’o….. il-k……ommu

  87. D.A says:

    Ahjar titghallem tikteb bil-Malti sura ta’ nies!!!!

  88. Opinionist says:

    Brava Daphne kemm taf tidghi u kemm taf tikteb bil-Malti ! …Jekk qed tghid li hazin li jitkellmu hekk ghalfejn tkellimt bhalhom?? …L-injurant min jirrepeti l-izball !

  89. Socjalist says:

    Grazzi tal-lezzjoni li ppruvajt ittini u mil graph mghazula li tellajt xorta tghallimna xi haga. Kif tista’ Tara inti stess il-graph tieghek tibda mis snin sebghin jigifieri meta Mintoff welled l-ekonomija maltija u bena pedamenti sodi biex l-ekonomija tkompli tikber. Nixtieq ittella’ graph tas snin ta qabel biex turina il wirt li halla Borg Olivier!

  90. sasha says:

    Hilarious maaaaa how daft they are. Daphne, keep it going. Thanks for highlighting their ignorance.

  91. Sarah says:

    Allura inti tahseb li b ‘ dan id-dagha kollu qed taghmel xi gid u qed tikkonvinci lil xi hadd? lol caw eh

  92. John Zammit says:

    The fact remains that the last 25 years were the very best we ever had in all sectors.

    Malta did well under the Nationalists and that says a lot.

    What really matters most is that we have serhan tal-mohh. How can a worker produce under stress and worries knowing all the time how unpredictable Mintoffian days were?

    People rarely remember that every day was marred with something. Now whatever the problem, the country moves on smoothly and what worries me is that when the country runs smoothly Lejburisti worry. They try to create a problem to prove a point.

  93. citizen of malta says:




  94. Minn ghand l-'injurant laburist' says:

    Peress li inti brava hafna u jien injorant fehmni naqra dan li ha nghidlek ghax ninstab naqra f’dilemma. F’sittax il sena ta gvern socjalista malta mtliet b’mijjiet ta’ fabbriki li jhaddmu gheluf ta ‘ nies, it turizmu sploda, il fqar gawdew mil-gid ta’ Alla kollu(il beneficji socjali li ghamel mintoff ecc, ecc, ecc,ecc,ecc, ecc,ecc. Meta spicca il gvern laburista halla SURPLUS ta 400miljun lira maltija (fuq elf miljun euro) Issa wara 25 sena tal gvern ta’ qalbek sallabtu lil pajjiz b’dejn ta il fuq minn 5 biljuni(5000 000 000) li imghax fuqhom biss jitolbu NOFS MILJUN EWRO KULJUM!!!!!!!!! X’sar minnhom dawn il flus? Dan il poplu kollu qed jistaqsi. U bilhaqq mintof lil poplu folk cikkulata kien itih plots u djar b’xejn. Ha nghalaq b’din il kwotazzjoni …nerik mizzi x’qal dwar mintoff : “f’malta ghad jigru avvenimenti kbar u Malta ma tkunx imcahda minn dan l-iben dehen taghha”. X’ qalu JPO u Franco Dedono fuq Daphne;”Mara hadra li ma taf taghmel xejn hlief ixxerred il hdura”.

  95. GH says:

    kemm nixtieq naharqek hajja u nitma l-biciet tieghek il-hut fil-bahar ja mara hadra u mignuna….nixtieq ukoll naghlqek fi sptar tal-mohh ma dawk li jbatu bl-iskizofrenija kif tbati int attwalment.jEKK NARA WIEHED MINN IT-TFAL NURDS LI GHANDEK NKELLIMOM NGHIDILOM OMMKOM FOTTITKOM GHAX MA TAFX TRABBI U KISSRITILKOM HAJJITKOM

  96. foxxDCG says:

    foxx dik il liba l aqditek my dear DCG! tahseb li lhaqt l alla ax dhalt fix xena politika. tantx titkabbar hanini ax ghad tihu tisbijta ikbar!! (:
    once again, foxx kemm andek hajjin u mejtin, foxx dik il liba l aqditek u iktrar minn kollox.. foxx il genn, l injoranza u l mohh vojt l andek!! seek psychological help ASAP!you need it, HONESTLY!

  97. Realist says:

    Actually that graph shows that the biggest increase was in between 1970 and 1980 where the GDP increase with a rate of 500%, followed losely by the time that EFA was in governemnt but taking massive hit with Gonzi at the helm

  98. Edward says:

    Kemm hawn hamallagni. Fejn qieghed Fr. Joe Borg? Fejn qieghed Fr. Smith l-Astraljan?

    Dan accettat f’pajjizna?

  99. joe says:

    hudu fox il liba omok u fox il mejtin tijak kurnuta daphne

  100. dm says:

    Honestly, Daph, give up. Not everyone gets irony.

    They’re never going to understand the message you’re trying to get across.

    They wouldn’t get it if someone slapped them in the face with it. So if I were you I wouldn’t even give them the time of day let alone reply to their ridiculous comments.

    However, I must say, it’s extremely entertaining and I had quite the laugh this morning.

  101. martiina says:

    DCG ahjar titghallem tikteb bil – malti !!
    andkom = ghandkom
    tijak = tieghek

    u jekk int qed tghid li ahna il laburisti nitkellmu arroganti int xminalik li qeghda tghamel sahara ?

    Thank you .

    [Daphne – How does that saying go? “If you’re stupid, you must vote Labour”. Lanqas biss taf taqra jew tifhem, Miss. Daqs kemm int bright lanqas biss indunajt li dak imitazzjoni ta’ kift jiktbu l-Laburisti.]

    • Natalie says:

      Ghandek x’tikkoregi wkoll martiina eh?
      Xminalik, qeghda, tghamel, sahara. Nissuspetta li qas ismek ma taf tikteb sew (double i).

      Kun af li dak il-paragrafu hu summary hafifa tal-kliem oxxen li nghad mill-gheziez Mintoffjani, bl-ispelling b’kollox.

      Marelli hawn veru trid toqghod tispjega kull cucata.

    • Wigi says:

      I’d rather be stupid than ignorant.

    • Matt says:

      Way to generalise Daphne. Do you come with blinders?

      [Daphne – A blinder being…?]

  102. muxaffarik says:

    Memmx li nisma b’ahbarek ja qahba

  103. Steven says:

    Ghaw ja qahba tal bidnija , taf ghax titkellem hekk ghax ghandek il protezzjoni tal pu;lizija li qed ihallaslhek dak li xeba jahxik RCC go manuel island. Taf meta tkellimni hekk meta tigi quddiemi wicc imbwicc ha naraw min hu ta hila hara.Jien naf ghax tobghodu lill Ggant Mintoff. Ghax nehha il bahrin inglizi u Amerikani , u issa bilfors tridd iddur ghaz-zbubb ta l-gharab.

  104. And.d says:

    Proset ,eh veru hedd turu krmm intkom nies injoranti flokk taraw ghal futur ta MALTA ,toqodu tahlu il hin titajru ,umbat tmoru tajdu li inthom patrijoti ghal pajizzkom,tal fuckin misthija ,dan il pajizz veru tal mickey mouse gie b’nies bhalkom, toqodu titajru fuq il politika, U Daphne jidispjecini najdlek li inti wahda min dawk linjoranti ghax flokk tikteb ghal gid ,tkiteb hazen u mibeda lejn il bniedem , jidispjecini najd imma hedda turi ta liem pezza inti mhux talli turi fuq il tv u news li int xi wahda poshi , recti wahdek ja mara kollox hazen u mibeda , flok tiringrazjaw lalla li ghandkon hajja bhal din ………….veru ghan nizla sejjra din id dinja .

  105. george says:


  106. angie micallef says:


  107. Mark D'Emmanuele says:

    Prosit, Daphne kemm int intelligenti! I’ve never read your blog before but I can assure you I will read it diligently at least twice a day, you are so clever and informative!

    And just to let you know, I don’t vote either way. But with the kind of language you’ve just exhibited you have really disgraced yourself

  108. Yanika says:

    Ilaa Mrs. Daphnie kem Taf titkellem bil malti. Ax ma tmurx tihdu int foxx dik il Liba ommok. Ma tisthix titkellem em
    Ja QAHBA mil kbar. Li Kiku ma kinx mintoff lanqas int
    Mint qeda hawn ja ZIBELLLLLLLLLLLLLL .

  109. rose says:

    Daphne.. naf li dan ix xoghol tieghek u li inti tahseb li sirt Clark Kent Junior. il verita hi..cajta u mhux cajta…intelligenza ta xejn ma fihom ir risposti tieghek. two wrongs do not make a right Daphne

  110. emmanuel says:

    mur hudu fox il familja kollha tijak daphne u fox il qabar ta nantek. le int amilt il gid al malta ja qahba fi sens tal kelma

  111. IX XADINA TA DAPHNE says:


  112. Jeffrey says:

    Artiklu hekk vera tistennih minghand Omm li tifel tahha ccappas mal gustizja. Nithasru it tifel miskin mhux lila, ghax tkun mrobbi fdak l ambjent ta njuranza u stupidagni kbira id-dar, bilfors KRIMINAL titla… so sad… :(

  113. Hanzir wiccek says:

    Kemm nifilhu naqaw baxxi fdan il pajjiz :)

  114. ElieseKoroshiya says:

    Dear Daphne, We GOT YOUR POINT! You hate Mintoff, but just throwing a GDP graph there don’t except everyone to know how to read it. Now I challenge you to put a graph of the Debt Growth in Malta, and show how the Nationalist Party has made debts more than ever. BUT WAIT! You wouldn’t do that you would prefer to continue judging Labour than showing THE ACTUAL TRUTH about the Nationalist Party. You do know there are more Unemployed because your beloved Nationalist party Sold most of the Maltese Factories to the foreigners right??! If not check again!

    • Alex Ellul says:

      You’re so wrong on employment and privatisation. In fact even Joseph Muscat wants continuity with the way economy is handled nowadays. Privatisation made past government entities more profitable and efficient. Telemalta under Mintoff made losses exceeding Lm1M, look at it now as it was privatised, offering much better telephone service, internet, and more, contributing coporate tax and good quality jobs. Similarly HSBC and freeport, better jobs and better pay. Private enterprise is better at running companies successfully and profitably, practically everywhere in the world – Malta no exception.

      As for employment Mintoff holds the record for the worst unemployment rate in modern Malta, reaching 12% in 1983. Unemployment went down to 4% after the first EFA legislature with free market policies and private enterprise investments.

      I can never understand why workers keep holding Mintoff to such a high esteem when working conditions where so bad, pitiful pay, and jobs available where those offered by the government, not to mention that you would have had to speak to a labour MP or canvasser to better your stakes in landing a government job.

  115. wow says:

    oqodu hemm ja ndanati jekk johorgu jivutaw in nazzjonalisti kolla 20 sena ohra tamlu hemm tmisu il qieh. u ghara kemm il leader tibdlu biex tiprovaw terbhu

  116. Edward says:

    Minix ha nkun ta’ karru ghal xi partit politiku, izda nahseb sabiex diskors politiku jittiehed bis-serjeta m’ghandux jaqa’ f’dan l-istat tal-misthija madame. L-opinjoni tieghek sabih li tiktibha minghajr ma tkun imxekkla, izda maghha ghandha tigi r-responsabbilta’, rispett u gieh…wara kollox tisthajlekx il-barunessa ta’ Malta, kuruna tar-rand ma rasek jonqsok

  117. Manuel says:

    May i first say that i am neither labour party nor am i nationalist. i am sorry to inform you that you have been mislead to believe that your sorry excuse for low level language is free speech. That or you are just another propaganda pushing single minded simpleton that follows their party no matter what. I would also like to point out that i too am lowering my level of vocabulary to suit people like you …. the Malignancy Malta.
    FYI Freedom of speech is part of the first amendment in the bill of rights (U.S.A. law) and in case you didn’t know this is Malta!

    [Daphne – Go back to bed and get some sleep. You’re barely coherent.]

  118. Kaccatur says:

    ax ma amiltx ohra tad dejn nazjonali!! hali tara d dejn nazjonali… mintoff bena l malta mix xej.. min poplu skjav.. u holoq ix xol u is servizzi socjali.. u in nazjonalisiti nefqu kollox u imlewna bid dejn li ed nbatuh illum…

    P.S. kieku ma kienx al mintoff int mintijx ed tiehu l benfecji tal handikapati

  119. M.L.P.F says:

    daphne get yourself and your followers a fucking LIFE !!!! SERIOUSLY from my heart i wish nothing but to swallow your tongue !!! cold heartless idiot

  120. kollha maltin says:

    Ir-rivoluzzjoni ta’ Mintoff

    Elogji smajna kemm trid. Veleni ta’ dawk li jogħboduh ukoll, għal­kemm ma stajniex nemmnu li hawn nies f’din id-dinja li jieħdu gost bil-mewt ta’ għajr­hom.
    Tajnih l-akbar u l-aqwa tis­lima li qatt poplu seta’ jagħti lil eks-mexxej tiegħu. Tislima ta’ nazzjon mingħajr ma kie­net imtebba’ minn xi kulur politiku.
    Naħseb, anzi nemmen li l-im²promp²tu tal-Innu Malti kan­tat ‘a capella’ mill-ġemgħa miġbura barra l-Kon-Kattidral ta’ San Ġwann, kienet it-tifsira ta’ kif kien jara lill-Perit il-poplu. Ħadd ma kanta l-innu Laburista jew l-innu tal-Ħelsien. Imma kantaw l-Innu Malti.
    Mintoff kien l-aħħar patri­jott. Wieħed minn dawk li jibqgħu jissemmew fl-istorja għax kien kapaċi jasal fejn ta’ qablu ma waslux. Ibda minn Mikiel Anton Vassalli, għaddi għal Ġuże Ellul Mercer u Manwel Dimech, flimkien mal-versi ta’ Dun Karm u oħrajn li kienu joħolmu b’Mal­ta ħielsa, Malta nazzjon.
    It-tifsira ta’ nazzjon ma tinsabx biss fil-fatt li għandna bandiera tagħna, innu tagħna u art li fuqha hu sovran il-poplu Malti. Pajjiż isir nazzjon meta jiżviluppa b’mod li bla ebda ndħil militari jew politiku ta’ pajjiż barrani, il-poplu kollu ta’ dak il-pajjiż ikollu l-opportunità li jikber u jitkattar.
    Il-monumenti ħajjin ta’ Mintoff għadna ngawduhom sal-lum. Frott ta’ viżjoni li kellu dan ir-raġel li fehem li biex pajjiż isir nazzjon, irid jikber mhux minn sezzjoni tas-soċjetà ’l fuq biss imma mill-qiegħ. Bl-introduzzjoni ta’ servizzi soċjali u l-‘welfare state’ kif nafuh illum, il-Perit kien iggarantixxa għixien bażiku lil kulħadd.
    Bħalma iggarantixxa saqaf fuq ras kulħadd, bi skemi ta’ bejgħ ta’ ‘plots’ bix-xejn, liema ‘plots’ illum jiswew il-miljuni u ma neħodhiex bi kbira li jinsabu f’idejn nies li mhumiex parti mill-movi­ment li ħoloq Mintoff, anzi jekk ma jkasbruhx ukoll.
    L-akbar biċċa xogħol ta’ Mintoff kienet li jneħħi l-faqar u l-injoranza. Il-faqar ried ineħħih mhux billi jqas­sam il-ġid imma billi joħloq ix-xogħol. Ix-xogħol ħolqu billi mar isaqqaf wiċċu ma pajjiżi barranin u ġab il-flus lejn Malta li permezz tagħ­hom inbnew l-oqsma indus­trjali li għandna mxerrdin mal-gżejjer Maltin, liema oqsma illum kważi saru bliet tal-fatati.
    In-nies, l-aktar dawk li ma kellhomx tagħlim u taħriġ akkademiku, bdew isibu xogħol f’fabbriki u b’hekk seta’ jkollhom futur meta bil-paga tagħhom setgħu jixtru djar tal-gvern issussidjati ta’ vera. Ix-xogħol ma kienx nieqes għax il-ħaddiem Malti kien protett.
    L-akbar riforma li għamel Mintoff kien proprju li ta l-opportunità lil kulħadd isir nies, u ċioe li int min int, hu x’inhu kunjomok, taf jew jekk ma tafx lil xi ħadd, stajt tirnexxi u jkollok mobilità soċjali. Meta lili staqsewni fuq Mintoff, ma kelli xejn x’nirrakkonta għax lill-Perit ltqajt darba biss miegħu.
    Però irrealizzajt li jien min jien illum huwa proprju grazzi għall-Perit u l-viżjoni li kellu għall-pajjiż. Il-Perit kien iben ħaddiem. Iben kok li kien isajjar lill-Ingliżi. L-għeruq tal-Perit kienu umli bħal ħafna li għandhom il-ġenituri ħaddie­ma tal-id, bħalma għandi jien.
    Il-Perit kien ixxortjat għax forsi minħabba li missieru kien qrib l-Ingliżi kellu x-xorti jmur jistudja l-Ingilterra, fejn oħrajn ma kellhomx din l-opportunità.
    Seta’ waqaf hemm. La kien komdu hu seta’ jiġi jaqa’ u jqum minn kulħadd. Imma le. Ried li dak li kellu l-ħila u l-opportunità li jkollu hu, ikollu kulħadd, u f’art twelid­na. Biex familja tkun tista’ tgħallem lil uliedha kien hemm bżonn ta’ edukazzjoni b’xejn għal kulħadd. Dari, it-tfal kienu jiġu sfruttati u jibdew jaħdmu sa minn meta jkun għad għandhom disa’ jew għaxar snin.
    Dawn kienu jintbagħtu jaħdmu biex il-familji, li kienu kbar minħabba l-injoranza medjevali li kien hawn, iġibu ftit flus żejda ħalli l-familja kollha tkun tista’ tgħix. Mela biex it-tfal inħalluhom imorru jitgħall­mu l-iskola, kellna bżonn paga minima nazzjonali li tiggarantixxi l-għixien diċenti u bażiku għal kulħadd. Min ma kienx jaħdem ukoll kellu l-għajnuna biex uliedu ma jkunux sfruttati minħabba n-neċessità li jkollhom jaħdmu huma. Għalhekk inħolqu l-benefiċċji soċjali, li twessgħu anke għal dawk l-ommijiet li ma kellhomx l-għajnuna tar-raġel jew missier it-tfal tagħhom – dan biex dawn it-tfal ikollhom iċ-ċans jitgħall­mu u jikbru u jkollhom futur aħjar mill-preżent ta’ ommhom u missierhom.
    Imma dan ma kienx biż­żejjed. Tispiċċa l-iskola ta’ 16 ma kienx ifisser li għandek it-taħriġ biex ikollok potenzjal li ssir professjonist u taqla’ aktar flus. Għalhekk daħħal l-iskema tal-istudent ħaddiem biex student ikompli jitgħal­l­em l-università u jitħallas, li eventwalment inbidlet fl-iskema tal-istipendji. Dan għax l-università kienet biss għas-sinjuri u Mintoff għa­milha b’xejn, anzi tħallsek biex titgħallem.
    X’viżjoni ta’ bniedem. Il­lum, snin wara li ħoloq dan kollu mix-xejn, nistgħu nifhmu l-kobor ta’ dan il-bniedem. Illum nafu li mal-iżvilupp soċjali tagħna lkoll, żviluppa l-pajjiż. Biex stajna nagħmlu dan kellna bilfors insiru indipendenti u fuq kollox ma jkollniex indħil militari jew politiku ta’ pajjiż barrani. Għalhekk ġew ju­mejn mill-aqwa għalina u ċioe Jum ir-Repubblika u Jum il-Ħelsien.
    Illum, bin il-ħaddiem mhux biss jista’ jiżviluppa u jkollu mobilità soċjali u jieqaf hemm imma, filwaqt ma jinsiex minn fejn ikun telaq, għandu obbligu li jara li ħad­dieħor ikollu l-istess oppor­tunità li kellu hu. Dan huwa l-wirt li ħallielna l-Perit. Wirt li aħna li ninsabu fil-politika rridu nġorruh magħna u jekk tassew nuru rispett lejn dan il-bniedem, irridu nagħmlu minn kollox biex inkomplu fuq il-missjoni tiegħu.
    Nispera li l-poplu, meta jiġi biex jagħżel lil min jirrap­preżentah, jirrealizza li għan­du jagħżel li dawk li jifhmu u jafu li xogħolhom hu li jagħtu opportunità indaqs lil kull tifel u tifla, indipendente­ment mill-kunjom tiegħu jew tagħha. Dawk li jafu u jifhmu x’inhi l-politika tal-Perit.
    Ir-rivoluzzjoni tal-Perit ma waslitx fi tmiemha. Anzi għadha importanti ħafna aktar minn qatt qabel, illum li Malta tinsab fl-Unjoni Ewropea. Dan biex anke fl-UE, Malta tibqa’ tiġi l-ewwel u qabel kollox, u meta Malta tiġi l-ewwel u qabel kollox, huwa l-poplu stess li jiġi l-ewwel!

  121. LVM says:

    Għandek bżonn l-għajnuna. Mhux ta’ b’xejn bil-pulizja wara l-bieb!

  122. RC says:

    Issa inti tahseb li din hija edukazzjoni, titkellem lura bl-istess lingwagg? Certu nies veru jaqaw fil-baxx biex juru certu disprezz imma mhux minghand min ikun ha l-edukazzjoni u jinsab f’certu livell gholi fil-pajjiz!!! Ahjar minflokk ktibt bi kliem baxx, spjegajt ruhek u ktibt minn fejn gibt l-informazzjoni… Imbaghad halli lil haddiehor jahseb u joghmod li tkun ktibt!

    Dan id-disprezz kollu huwa wisq biex turi r-rabja li ghandek fik. Minflokk tuza’ dan il-lingwagg, ahjar tara fejn tista’ turi u tipperswadi lil min qed jurik id-disprezz billi turi u tati ezempji… Bit-tghajjir ma tasal imkien ghax il-punt tieghek ma jkunx hareg u xorta hadd ma jifhmek!!!

    [Daphne – God, how effing thick. My patience is running out. When people say that Labour thrives on ignorance and stupidity, they are right.]

  123. Disgusted says:

    I Wonder when if possible you will get into your senses and realise that all this hatred is only making you appear as a low class citizen who is uncapable any empathy, seeing things in a real perspective or being objective..

    Being a former Nationalist am ashamed to admit that you and other Low Class Nationalist are responsible for incidents that have taken place in the past times of Malta and if I had a say in the Nationalist Party I would totally disaccociate myself with your actions.

    Peopel like you only tend to aggravate difficult situations between both parties keeping Malta stuck in the Past instead of trying to move on in times and really become part of the European society. So far people like you have only proved that we are still uncivilised and not worthy of being part of the EU.

    You should be a Ashamed and I seriously hope that you and others will help The Nationalis Party with better behaviour.

    Your words can only cause trouble and I hope that labour party followers have learned from the past and will refrain from falling to your level.

  124. RA says:

    Your Maltese is definitely not good !!
    Maybe you should start there first

    [Daphne – Tal-biki. Kif ma tifhmux sahta, marelli. My Maltese is almost certainly better than yours, my dear. Read back through most of what I’ve written and you’ll see that. This, here, is called a spoof.]

  125. Ryan says:

    Dear Daphne,wh at goes around comes around. . .

    [Daphne – Next you’ll be telling me about karma.]

  126. Ian says:

    Love how the irony of this post completely flew over their heads

  127. RB says:

    ‘Ghaziza’ Daphne.. ma kontx sorpriza li tfajt graph biex minghalik tohrog ta brava , lanqas kont sorpriza li ippruvajt tkun ironika u minghalik iddahhak, wisq inqas kont sorpriza li inti minghalik li inti intelligenti hafna, izda kont sorpriza hafna malli ghedt li ghandek ” regular readers” ghax onestament jien, u certa li hafna nies ohra bhali ma kienux jafu min int qabel ma qbadt tparla minn sormok fuq Mintoff u il- laburisti! Possibbli hawn nies daqshekk bla mohh jaqraw dak li tghid int ? u qabel ma tghidli li jien qed naghmel l- istess .. kun af li jien qed nidhol hawnekk just because i find you to be very entertaining ( qed iddahhak in- nies bik) .. i’m not quite sure if your intent was to increase the popularity of your meager blog or just to inflict more hate towards your beloved party jew just qed tipprova taljena il poplu mid- dwejjaq li ninsabu fih taht Gonzi PN ! Please enlighten me !

  128. Debbie Cassar says:

    INDANNATAAAAAAA………………Ara veru Mignuna bil-provi ta’ int hi, kieku allura dawk in-nies kollha mgienen li nvadew kull rokna tal-Belt nerga nghidlek MIGNUNA BIL-PROVI?!!!!

    [Daphne – Get a Prozac prescription, honey. You really need it. Or stay off the crack and booze.]

  129. Gigi says:

    trid tkun vera injoranta bir rispett kollu tigi tajd li il perit mintoff mamel xjn taa.. biss biss tara nara id dejn li andna illum ga bizzejjed ax dak iz zmien ma kelnix 1c dejn u jek dak iz zmien fil kaxxa ta malta kellna ezempju 500 llum dawk ga telqu u amiltu it triplu dejn ta..

  130. Rita says:

    It’s all so pathetic!! Such a blog is an embarrassment to our nation.

  131. Samuel says:

    Minix mintoffjan imma nitqalla nara dawn it-tip ta kliem, u vera nhossni iddizgustat. Uri ftit rispett almenu!!

  132. Paul Tanti Junior says:

    Jekk joghogobkom, hallu lil ghaziz Salvatur Dom Mintoff jistrieh fis-sliem. Tinsewx, li s-sahha b’xejn tahilkom HU, Bonus, Children Allowance, Djar, Plots, Paga minima Nazzjonali, dritt tal vot LIN NISA, vot ta 18 ‘il sena, ……… Ahjar nieqaf, li ma jmurx xi hadd itih xi attakk, u l-ambulanzi ????????????????????????. Rest in peace ghaziz Perit, u Grazzi ta Kollox

  133. peppa says:

    mur hudu fox il genn li andek f mohhok aa qahba nittiena int tifem hafna uwx kiku ma kinx mintoff kiku int qeda xi skjava jixraqlek ta mahmuga

  134. Tristan Gauci says:

    You arrogant twat, I live in the United Kingdom and I thought politicians here were bad. You’re a disgrace. Sort yourself out.

    [Daphne – You live in the United Kingdom? Gosh, how nice for you. Thank God my friends and I voted PN/EU membership then. Imagine if your parents and their buddies had their way. Kont tibqa f’dak il-maisonette f’xi ribbon development, tinqela f’zejtek. Not that you can possibly be doing anything much in the United Kingdom, other than shovelling chips (a respectable job), given that you believe I am a politician and that all politicians ‘there’ are bad.]

  135. haha says:

    Jiddispjacini u hasra, li qed inhallas il bolla biex tiehu l pensjoni agba, kurnuta nhalek!! jaqqq xi dwejjaq ta’ persuna fik….

  136. tumas says:

    by any chance .. m ghandekx xi graph ta kemm zdied id dejn ta Malta minn dak iz zmien l hawn hux?

  137. marvin says:

    hahaha…. ima inti jaqaw tant ma andekx xtamel fhajtek, ( ma andekx ma min tqatta hajtek ax hadd ma jisaportik ) li toqod tikteb dawn l artikli kolla bla sens ta xejn biex tajd kelma ma xi hadd… Hekk alinqas tajd kelma u jaddi il hin ux… Iktar dawn in nies joqodu jirisponduk u jtuk pjecir…

  138. Roseanne says:

    Veru waqajt fil baxx Daphne. Ahjar turina l-graph tad-deficit, dejn u l-infiq fil-vojt tal pn!

  139. henri miceli says:

    hmmmmmmm at face value , if one takes the graph alone than your evidence is solid . However if we had to look at the bigger picture we would also see that the the economic model that supports this growth is based on borrowing and if we had to look the economic situation in europe …. you would see that this great growth of which Malta forms part is a bubble which europe has been strecthing and that the cracks are now starting to become visible …… down the line ….. if the system collapses as is predicted , we might look in earnest to those people who tried to make us live within our means .

  140. Bree says:

    Daphne go suck dicks you bitch, foxx kemm ghandek minalik li xi haga … kullhadd jidhak bik qieghed ghax qieghda twaqqa lilek nnifsek ghan-nejk… u tghallem ikteb imbasta fuckin minalik li taf kollox injuranta.

    [Daphne – If all those feathers didn’t get in the way, I could compromise and suck Franco’s cocks.]

  141. Rona says:

    Dear Daphne, ha naghazel li ma nkunx baxxa u pastaza bhalek ghalkemm jien ma trabbejtx go ‘english speaking home’ bhalek. Ha nighdlek min ghandek kont nistenna hafna ahjar. Minn dan l ahhar blog tieghek qed nikkonferma li ghandek bzonn ghajnuna kbira, min ghajr ebda offiza hu l parir tieghi u fittixa forsi tkun ta ezempju ahjar ghal uliedek ghax kif diga deher fijhom m intijx ta influwenza tajba. U jiddispjacini hafna li f hajtek qatt ma rnexxielek tasal fejn xtaqt ghax biex tkun politikanta irid ikollok don li int m ghandekx.

    [Daphne – 1. Minn fejn hadt l-ideja li xi qatt xtaqt inkun fil-politika? Dejjem ghidt l-oppost. 2. Ma trabbejtx go ‘English-speaking home’. Trabbejt go blingual home.]

  142. simon says:


  143. Matt says:

    I guess the whole point of this is web hits. Sad really.

    [Daphne – It isn’t. The whole point of this is providing a sane balance to the insane hysteria taking over people who should know better.]

  144. SICK says:


  145. Manwel says:

    llum waqqajt fil-kurżta’ li nidħol fil-blog ta’ tiegħek għax fuq facebook hemm lista sħiħa. Ħa ngħidlek jien qatt ma dħalt, u issa zgur li ma nidħolx. – naf li r-risposta tiegħek se tkun ” I don’t bother”. Jien mhux sej naqa’ provokazzjonijiet tiegħek u nirrespondik bl’ istess kliem baxx u vulgari li għidt li l-laburisti jitkellmu.
    L-artikolu kien fuq il-GDP u kemm mar tajjeb fiż-żmien il-partit nazzjonalista. Tajjeb, sinjal li kompla u jew beda fuq dak li kien hemm tajjeb. Jekk tifli sew il-grafika ssib li l-GDP beda jgħolla mil-1985 u baqa sejjer tajjeb sal-lum. Kien hemm fejn niżel ftit bejn 1993 ima imbgħad bqajna sejrin tajjeb. Min m’għandux idea ta’ kif jinħdem il-GDP, jista jkun li r-resultat muri seta’ kienu ta’ progetti li sar ferm qabel. Biex nispejga: jekk ezempju il-PN qed jgħamel il-projett infrastrutturali ta’ l- Smart City u dan jitlesta fiż-żmien ħames snin oħra u forsi jkollna partit ieħor fil-gvern, dan irrifletti fuq żieda fuq il-GDP taht il-gvern tal-gurnata, avolja ma jkunx bnieħ hu. Daqstant il-grafika murija tista turi b’mod differenti. Nista ngħidlek mhux kull ekonomista jaqbel mal-GDP, ez.wieħed minnhom hu Frank Shostak li jgħid li l-GDP ma jurix kif ezattament kif sejjer pajjiz.
    F’aħħar li xtaqt ngħidlek hu biex ma taqax fil-ħammalizmu b’ kliem oxxen. Biex tirbaħ argument m’hemmx għalfejn tuża oxxen kif għamlet. Ma nafx kif il-puliżija ma jieħdux passi biex tieqaf. Dawn setgħu rahom tfal żgħar. Fit-twieġba tiegħek issa kun onesta’; ma naħsibx li kieku kellha tfal żgħar, kont tieħu gost li jaqraw dak li ktibt? Qatt f’għomri ma bsart li Daphne Caruana Galizia sejra taqa’ daqshekk fil-baxx u l-għar li kont taf x’sejra tikteb meta ktibt fil-bidu ‘My apologies to my regular readers’. Mela int taf min sej jidħol fis-sit tiegħek.

    [Daphne – Mur lura Facebook u oqghod hemm, fil-comfort zone tieghek.]

  146. stiefnu says:

    Go to 14:38 of this link and you hear what Labour supporters thought of Mintoff in August 1998

  147. stiefnu says:

    Go to 14:30 of this link and you hear what Labour supporters thought of Mintoff in August 1998

  148. Bianca says:


  149. peter ray portelli says:

    din ija lewwel darba li et nisthi li jin malti
    tafu li kulhat jista jara dan il klim
    tafu li hafna tfal juzaw linternet
    jistaw jaraw il pastazati kolla li et tiktbu

    amlu pjacir lil malta
    atu ezempju tajjeb li tfal ta warajna

  150. Unknown says:

    the nationalist party was lucky enough to find what mintoff had already built. mintoff did his outmost to bring malta out of depth, something the nationalist party is pulling malta back into. i don’t agree with the violence there was during mintoff’s rule. but think about what he has done, the free hospitals, children’s allowance, minimum wage…
    they might not affect you as such, but they do help other people.
    if malta didn’t have mintoff we’d be worse off to be honest. now i’m not a biased Labour fan or anything.
    luckily, i’m not as closed minded as you are.

  151. anonymous says:

    politics unfortunately has ruined the world we live in. Over here in Malta we give too much importance to politics. People are simply too blind to follow what they call ‘leaders’ and this is from either side. the reality is there is no side. these people don’t care about you, me or anyone else in the matter.

    Many say Mintoff introduced children’s allowance, bonuses bla bla bla.. well guess what he did what he was suppose to be doing.. simple terms his own damn job of looking out for what was best for the country. it doesn’t mean he deserved any state funeral in all honesty. at the end of the day he contributed as much as everyone does when he/she goes to work by paying national insurance tax and so on. nobody is special. We all contributed to make certain things work so none of these dickheads deserves any praise. but everyone in Malta is so far back its like living in the 18th century. Surprises me how much war, fights and arguments politics creates over here. Even coming not to speak to your own son, cousin or sister over different political views? what a mess and all for what? for a few people who couldn’t give a fuck. Want examples.. take the roads? Transport Malta? Mepa? Education? Judicary system and the new pension scheme? law enforcement? electoral promises? name your pick. If people really want to make a difference in this country is quite simply send them all to fuck right off and don’t vote untill somebody with real heart and balls has the decency and the courage of doing what is best for this country and the world.

    seeing the scenario here with GDP, mintoff, Europe’s downfall, debts etcc.. yes there is only one way with the current economic climate.. DOWN.. and this is irrelevant of who is governing. my advise work hard for you and your family alone.try to save up so you won’t need anyone in your life. no Mater Dei isn’t free.. we are already paying very high for it..

    one last thing in the saying of Ray Davies

    ”Money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man, pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep, and we’re tired of hearing promises that we know they’ll never keep”

  152. galizia says:

    Mur offendi lil dak il liba missirek u fox il kruwa landek

  153. rosann says:

    a LIBA U LIBA daphne fox kemm ghandek u zop fox ommok inte u il familja u kemm jista ikollok LIBA JIENA MINTOFFJANA PURA

  154. OK says:






  155. carmen says:

    jien qatt ma iltqajt ma mara baxxa dik il kwalita il kummissarju tal pulizja fejn hu ghax ghandu jghamel xgholu ta dak id dgha ghax sa fejn naf jien ma tistax tidaj fill publiku ahseb u ara fuq gazzetta fuq bniedem mejjet li dejjem hadem ghall malta ghax jien nahseb li din is siefer u dik mintoff ghamila ghax giet ghasfur ta comb it tir lanqas qatt ma nasal biex naqa baxxa hekk ja hamalla

  156. carmen says:

    jien nixtieq najd lill dawk li qed jiktbu taqwx gha nassa tal pn issa dik tiehu risposta wara lelezzjoni li jmiss mela nsejtu mhux anke tifel go luniversita kien tkellem hazin u ahna mghadniex nitkelmu bhalom ghax issa il hamalli marru mghahom u mhux iktar mghana u hi wahda minnhom ghax dawk qed jipruvaw jaqalaw it trouble biex iwahlu fina halluha ituhiex importanza mara baxxa dik il kwalita issa tafu hbieb fejn jaslu il gonzi pn

  157. Harry Borg says:

    Ahjar titghallem tikteb bil-Malti l-ewwel!!!

  158. clayton cauchi says:

    injoranta inti ax listorja ta malta ma tafix nahseb ahjar tmur lal liberija publika ax bhalissa in nies bi bzonijit specjali jamluwilom bxejn ir registrejxin u jek trijd tofendi il xi had dw andek ismi u kunjomi tista isibni fb a injoranta u bi bzonijit ta psikjatra

  159. juliana says:

    Din bis serjeta ma tisthix kemm nixtieq li jidirlek mintoff forsi bil qata li tiehu tigdem naqra ilsienek u issa ha nitkellem ala mintoffjana ja qahba , kerha, sahhara, nittiena, li ma kontx tiehdu fsormok u fox dak lilsien hazin li ghandek.

  160. Kalinku says:

    Umbad jigu Maltatoday u jghidu Jmut Patriarch. Insomma kullhadd jaf li l galzetta taghhom Illum ghanda agenda, hemm l partit laburista waraja

  161. tessie says:

    kemm int mara hamalla hu baxxa int qed taghmel hekk ghax qed ixomm it telfa hu taf li sa tinqatalek iz zejza ghalhekk tinsab indanata jaqbilek talaq halqek qabel ma kun tard wisq labour for ever

  162. Dahpne Admirer says:


    … tista jekk joghgbok tispjegali il’graph’ li gibt hemm fuq pls? Dak id-DEJN li dahhalna fih Fenek Adami u Lawrence DCG Gonzi ?


    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Jien ghandi soluzzjoni semplici ghad-DEJN. Naqta’ s-servizzi b’xejn u l-benefits lis-sangisugi socjali. Daqshekk sptar b’xejn, daqshekk università b’xejn, daqshekk stipendji, daqshekk sussidji ghall-Ghawdxin, daqshekk benefits ghas-single mothers, daqshekk social welfare, daqshekk sussidji tal-utilities. Imbaghad tara kemm qrid.

      Intom – Nazzjonalisti inkluzi – ridtu s-Socjalizmu. Issa gawdu d-dejn.

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